Thursday, May 21, 2020
Madison And Jeffersons Federalist Ideas Essay - 968 Words
From 1801-1817 there was a clear separation of the United States. The Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties were in strong opposition of one another. Though the Republicans were usually characterized as strict constructionists, who were opposed to the broad constructionism of the Federalists, both Jefferson and Madisons presidencies highlighted Federalist ideals in many of their decisions. This included Jeffersons unconstitutional decision in purchasing the vast Louisiana territory and MadisonsÂ… The standard Democratic-Republican had many beliefs in which followed the Constitution whole heartily. Jefferson writes, The true theory of our Constitution is surely the wisest and best that the states are independent as to†¦show more content†¦While the Spanish surrendered the trans-Mississippi region to the French in 1800, Jefferson decided to acquire more territory at once. He feared that French territory in the United States would bring British war on American so il. As a result, President Jefferson sent James Monroe and Robert Livingston to Paris. Monroes was given a maximum of ten million dollars to buy New Orleans and as much land east as possible. However, in opposition to Jeffersons wishes, Monroe purchased all of Louisiana for a hefty fifteen million dollars. Although the Democratic-Republicans were in favor of the Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson, still in shock of Monroes settlement, questioned the constitutionality of the treaty. This purchase did not specifically empower the president or Congress to annex foreign territory. This event inevitably led to the Hartford Convention of 1815, in which contradicted Jeffersons purchase(Doc E). Though the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States, the President had incorporated a great deal of territory into the Union. Jefferson was not expecting this territory, though he authorized its purchase. As a result, this purchase was unconstitutional because Jefferson did not have the right to ratify the purchase, the House and the Senate did. Even though the House and Senate could not resist this opportunity for such land gain, Jefferson had exemplified Federalist ideals by giving great power to theShow MoreRelated1998 Dbq1014 Words  | 5 PagesDemocratic Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, were always characterized by following the strict construction of the constitution. The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, were characterized by following the broad construction of the constitution. The presidencies of Jefferson and Madison proved this characterization to be somewhat accurate. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ecological Economics Vs. Neoclassical Welfare Economics Essay
Ecological Economics vs Neoclassical Welfare Economics In the past, the economic school of thought regarded the resources as unlimited and focused on more production under the light of the unlimited growth assumption. Every economic action was suggested to only consider about making more profit. While the economy and the human population are growing; more natural resources are used and more pollution is observed. Human become to deal with the results of its production such as environmental problems and resource scarcity. A debate has emerged in economics and the mainstream economics is brought into question since its unlimited growth assumption is collapsed. Ecological economists argue the neoclassical welfare economics for ignoring the environmental and ethic values by only focusing on the cost-benefit analysis. It also claims that the neoclassical economics fails to calculate the value of the environmental capital and the loss of the economic activities on the environment. This paper is going to explain the problems with the neoclassic al welfare economics and the alternatives offered by the ecological economics in terms of economic growth and environment. The neoclassical welfare economics explains the economic production and behavior by using the mainstream terms of economic literature. Specifically, it focuses on the Pareto efficiency and suggests two theorems related to it. Firstly, the Pareto efficiency is stated by maximization of preferences under a restrictedShow MoreRelatedEcological Economics Vs. Welfare Economics Essay2086 Words  | 9 PagesEcological Economics vs Neoclassicial Welfare Economics In the past, economic school of thought regarded the resources as unlimited and focused on more production under the light of the unlimited growth assumption. Every economic action was suggested to only consider about making more profit. While the economy and the human population are growing; more natural resources are used and more pollution is observed. Human become to deal with the results of its production such as enviromental problems andRead MoreEconomic Sustainability And Economic Development1913 Words  | 8 Pageson numerous connotations. Ecological sustainability refers to the robustness of our ecosystems and the ability to maintain or enhance our planet’s unique biodiversity. Economic sustainability is defined by Cato as continued economic development while not degrading our planet’s ecology (Cato, 2011), however not all definitions accord such a large role to the ecological state of our planet. A neoclassical economist would define economic sustainability as continued economic development, or the abilityRead MoreThe Impact of Agricultural Sector on Economic Growth in Nigeria18675 Words  | 75 PagesAgricultural Economics of Nigeria: Paradoxes and Crossroads of Multimodal Nature Professor Eric C. Eboh Professor of Agricultural Economics University of Nigeria CONTENTS 1.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2 2.0 CONCEPTUAL APPROACH OF THIS INAUGURAL LECTURE 6 REFLECTIONS ON THE STRATEGIC ROLE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY 8 3.0 4.0 5.0 AGRICULTURE FROM THE LOOKING GLASS OF MAN’S ECONOMIC HISTORY 16 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY FROM PARADIGMATIC VIEWPOINTS ABOUT THE STATE VIS-A-VIS MARKET 21 6.0 NIGERIAN AGRICULTURERead MoreMarketing Literature Review11908 Words  | 48 Pagesdatabase or about obtaining photocopies of the articles abstracted here, please call (800) 626-2823 or write to UMI, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SUBJECT HEADINGS 1. THE 1.1 1.2 1.3 MARKETING ENVIRONMENT Consumer Behavior Legal, Political, and Economic Issues Ethics and Social Responsibility MYRON LEONARD, Editor Western Carolina University 1. THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT 1.1 Consumer Behavior See also 28, 60, 61, 62, 86, 89, 99, 103, 111, 112, 116, 120, 123, 125, 126, 151, 158, 163, 164, 171Read MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 Pagesilluminate practice and to provide ways of improving it. Although always appealing to his economic understandings, he has been open to a wide variety of other ideas, recognizing their intellectual strengths and capabilities rather than making artificial distinctions between what is acceptable and what is not. He also has contributed widely to the accounting literature, taking forward the British tradition of economic theorizing in financial accounting as well as being a constant source of creative thinking
Social Marketing Combating Childhood Obesity Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(123) " and to make user friendly environment that encourages physical activity might convey satisfactory alteration in behavior\." Fleshiness is a status where there is extra accretion of cholesterin bed in the adipose tissue of tegument taking to overweight which becomes a wellness hazard ( Basdevant, Arnaud, 2008 ) . The addition in the fat accretion may do chronic wellness jobs in long term which becomes a major wellness concern ( Basdevant, Arnaud, 2008 ) . The people with weight more than 85 per centum of Body mass index are considered as corpulence and the people with the organic structure mass index more than 95 per centum are considered as corpulent ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Social Marketing Combating Childhood Obesity Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Adverse effects associated with fleshiness: Fleshiness may do multiple jobs including physical, physiological and psychological jobs ( Davis et al, 2007 ) . Fleshiness is one of the major grounds for assorted chronic diseases like, diabetes, Hypertension, osteoorthritis and those related to bosom liver, gall bladder, birthrate and gestation ( WHO, 2011 ) , in add-on to physical uncomfortableness it besides causes psychological hurt and decreased ego assurance in the societal life due to hapless organic structure image and visual aspect ( Wardle, 2005 ) . Factors doing the job: The present life manner is wholly filled with mental emphasis as people are busy with their everyday activities and have no clip to pass for healthy activities like exercising and holding a healthy diet ( Basdevant, 2008 ) . These factors may take to fast nutrient civilization and sedentary life manner which that are doing fleshiness ( Gonz A ; aacute ; lez, 1999 ) . The accustomed activities like passing more clip on picture games and watching telecasting may impact physical activity and lead to sedentary life manner that increases the opportunities of going corpulent ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) . The nutrient behaviors are considered as another of import factor for fleshiness. Devouring fast nutrients with high fat content and taking surplus of measure nutrient as a wont lead to fleshiness ( Davis et al, 2007 ) . The instability between the Calories consumed and the sum of energy spent is an of import factor that causes accretion of fat in the organic structure doing fleshiness ( WHO, 2011 ) . The personal behaviors like smoke and intoxicant ingestion are besides considered as the causes of fleshiness ( Evans et al, 2010 ) . Social selling Due to the addition in the load of the diseases all over the universe, demand to advance wellness has increased, therefore public wellness field adapted some selling schemes to acquire societal benefits which is called as societal selling ( Grier and Bryant, 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Andresen, ( 1995 ) societal selling is defined as ‘the application of commercial selling engineerings to the analysis, planning, executing, and rating of plans designed to act upon the voluntary behavior of mark audiences in order to better their personal public assistance and that of society ‘ . In public wellness publicity societal selling is used to promote the behavioral alterations by multi degree attacks through assorted intercessions in community and by making a positive environmental alteration around the audience by presenting the message to public ( Evans et al, 2010 ) . Principles of societal Marketing schemes: The selling schemes should be developed in a insouciant manner that focuses on the normal state of affairss in the society ; these intercessions should be developed by taking in to consideration of the capablenesss of persons ( Donaldson, 2008 ) . Making proper consciousness, supplying with the proper cognition on the issue and making the environment that encourages the coveted behavioral alteration may give satisfactory results than concentrating on the peculiar or individual intercession ( Swinburn, Gill and Kumanyika, 2005 ) . Social selling scheme for battling fleshiness: Badness of the job: Fleshiness is considered as one of the major public wellness issues which is acquiring worse twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. Harmonizing to NHS ( 2011 ) In United Kingdom the figure of prescriptions dispensed for the intervention of fleshiness in 2009 was 1.45 million which is more than eleven times the figure in 1999. The figure of fleshiness related instances recorded in the infirmaries related to fleshiness increased by 30 per centum compared to old old ages, in 2011 ( NHS, 2011 ) . The fleshiness has become a major public wellness and economic job globally and is considered as a major issue in many states with the chief focal point on the childhood fleshiness in peculiarly ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) . It is of import to make consciousness among the people to get the better of the persisting job of fleshiness by the alteration of life style and adaptation of healthy behaviors which can be achieved through societal selling intercessions. High hazard persons: The kids who do non take part in out-of-door activities like out-of-door games, cycling etc, the kids who spend more clip before screen and kids with hapless dietetic wonts are high hazard persons who are prone fleshiness. The kids coming from households with hapless economical position are besides affected more with fleshiness jobs because the prevalence of corpulence is extremely dependent on societal and economical position ( Basdevant, 2008 ) . How to accomplish: By developing a community that is cognizant of the jobs associated with fleshiness by promoting kids and teens to affect more physical activity and to alter in the behavior ( Wadden, Brownell and Foster, 2002 ) . Schools play a critical function in forestalling the childhood fleshiness by developing assorted intercessions to promote healthy diet and physical activity ( Evans et al, 2010 ) . Making consciousness among all the household members might convey effectual alteration in behavior of kids because there is some grounds that parents with fleshiness job are more likely to hold corpulent kids due to nutrient behaviors, life style and some familial factors ( Kafia Ayadi, Brian Young, 2006 ) .Educating parents by explicating the hazard factors associated with fleshiness and reding to promote kids to affect in activities like out-of-door games and physical work ( Davis, 2007 ) . Reding the parents to regularly supervise the weight of their kids in order to forestall fleshiness is of import. Evans et Al ( 2010 ) states that driving parents to educate their kids about the measures caloric values of nutrient and to make user friendly environment that encourages physical activity might convey satisfactory alteration in behavior. You read "Social Marketing Combating Childhood Obesity Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Koplan, Liverman and Kraak ( 2005 ) suggest that making a healthy market topographic point and healthy media ; play a of import function in altering nutrient behaviors. For illustration, the local eating houses and the local shops might be targeted for proviso of selective low fat and rich alimentary diet to kids. Expected Behavioral alteration: The voluntary behavioral alteration is an of import result expected from societal selling ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) . Lifestyle alterations like increased physical activity by discontinuing the sedentary life manner and taking healthy diet like fruits and veggies alternatively of high Calorie nutrients is are major behavioral alterations expected in this program. Outcome expected: The result expected is the alteration of current behaviors which are considered as hazard factors for the present job that is fleshiness, by larning the needed behaviors to command fleshiness, to accomplish good physical and mental wellness. Controling fleshiness through weight loss is the primary end and bar of the job of weight regain in the hereafter is the result expected from the mark audience ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) . Cleavage of audience: Anderson, ( 2005 ) suggests that it is about impossible to advert each and every person in the society because every attack does non suit for all persons. Grier and Bryant ( 2005 ) claim that the mark end is non suited for all because it depends on the assorted factors like personal behaviors, past experiences, single attitudes and demographic variables like age and ethnicity that have impact on the people. So, sectioning the audience is really of import for an effectual societal selling. The cleavage is helpful in making the mark group and concentrating the people with high hazard to act upon behavioral alterations ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) . Target audience: The kids of both genders between the age of five and 15 with hapless economical background are selected and targeted for behavioral alterations through societal selling because there is a relationship between economic position and fleshiness ( Youfa wang, 2001 ) . The adolescent age people are besides targeted to efficaciously alter their behaviors like fast nutrient civilization, smoke, imbibing, and inactive showing and to promote them to take part in out-of-door games which involve physical activity. Why to concentrate on a peculiar group: The adolescents and kids are focused and targeted because childhood and adolescent age are two stages of a human life either to geting good wellness wonts or to develop hazard behaviors like alcohol addiction and smoke ( Pyle et al, 2006 ) . If healthy behaviors are initiated in the teens the fleshiness and the jobs associated with it might be controlled in the hereafter ( Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, 2005 ) . Target country: The focal point shall be on a geographical country demoing high incidence of fleshiness job and hapless wellness behaviors with particular concentration on Population with hapless socio economic background and hapless wellness attention installations, underscoring the relationship between hapless economic position and wellness behaviors ( Youfa wang, 2001 ) . Consumer barriers: Wayss to understand consumer barriers: The best manner in turn toing the societal selling barriers of people of a peculiar country is, affecting the local wellness militants and administrations as spouses in wellness publicity ( siegel and doner, 2004 ) . Taking some research through qualitative methods like questioning local people and their household members helps to hold an penetration of their behaviors ( Henley and raffin, 2010 ) . Effective communicating which plays a cardinal function in wellness publicity research shall be a good scheme to affect local leaders and individuals inclined to publicity of wellness in their country because communicating plays a cardinal function in wellness publicity research ( Hastings and Haywood, 1991 ) . For illustration parents and household members can efficaciously pass on with kids, have an penetration and can actuate them to alter the behavior ( Evans et al, 2010 ) . Target behavioral ends: The set of behavioral ends are planned by utilizing ‘SMART ‘ program which includes ‘Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound, to acquire the best result ( Clerck, 2010 ) . The major end is diminishing the extra weight by altering the current behavior by a set of behavioral alterations. The behavioral alterations include 1 ) Increased physical activity by bring oning self involvement 2 ) Monitoring the nutrient wonts and Calories 3 ) Regular showing of the organic structure mass index. The ends should be planned in an easy come-at-able mode so that the kid can achieve self efficaciousness on the alteration ( Davis et al, 2007 ) . Davis et Al ( 2007 ) besides suggests that parents should develop a uninterrupted communicating on the expected behavioral alterations and a clip end is arranged for all the set of activities. Aims: To better the physical activity of the kids by promoting out-of-door activities like games, cycling etc, through support from household, community and assorted school intercessions. To better the dietetic wonts like eating more fruits and veggies and discontinuing the nutrient with high fat content or calorific value like fast nutrients. Schemes to implement the ends: The selling might be made harmonizing to the kids and teens psychological science. for illustration if the kids are passing their maximal clip in forepart of the screen, they shall be encouraged to see programmes related to wellness instruction, athleticss and fittingness which have a positive consequence on their behaviors ( Evanss et al, 2010 ) . Hanley and Raffin ( 2010 ) suggest that Schemes for kids below the age of 10 should be planned in a playful mode by doing utilizing more colorss, lifes and pictural presentation, so that they indulge in the activities. For adolescents scheme shall be competitory type. A multi degree programme is designed to derive the policy support, to acquire support from local societal groups and cognition interlingual renditions are critical to supervise the wellness direction systems ( WHO, 2010 ) . Schools play an of import function in actuating kids to alter their behaviors. The fleshiness intercessions used in schools should concentrate more on achieving healthy weight instead than diminishing present weight ( Pyle, 2006 ) . The authorities policy support is really of import to implement wellness schemes and achieve selling ends. Regulating advertizement of unhealthy nutrient and drinks may assist in bettering healthy nutrient wonts among kids ( Wadden, Brownell and Foster, 2002 ) . In add-on Dehghan, Danesh and Merchant, ( 2005 ) advice that cut downing revenue enhancements on low Calories nutrient may convey alteration in nutrient choosing behavior because monetary values of nutrient have a great influence on the populace. Wadden, Brownell and Foster ( 2002 ) suggest that supplying more resources for supplying drama land bettering pavements etc may promote adolescent age people for physical activity. The selling programme should be implemented in multilevel which reference, authorities policies, community degree programmes, school degree, household degree and personal degree ( Evans et al, 2010 ) . Marketing Mix: The Marketing mix is the considered as the best manner to implement the ends in the society and it is proved to be effectual in making the populace ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) . Marketing mix includes ‘four P ‘s ‘ they are, ‘Product, Price, Place and publicity ‘ ( Rayner, 2007 ) . Merchandise: Merchandise is an advice or solution given to the consumer which gives personal benefit for himself ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) . In the present societal selling program merchandise is the services provided to alter the current behavior. The merchandise is, accommodating patterns of physical activity by passing some clip to regular exercising and healthy nutrition degrees by avoiding fatty nutrients and adding fruits and veggies to regular dietetic bill of fare. Monetary value: In selling monetary value is the cost spent by client whereas in societal selling monetary value of the present mark audience is the clip spent for behavioral alterations. Here monetary value agencies passing around an hr a twenty-four hours for exercising, physical attempt, and psychological uncomfortableness for altering behaviors ( Grier and Bryant, 2005 ) . Topographic point: The topographic point where the kids and teens spend more clip like schools, establishments and in communities they live are chosen in this selling program. Promotion: Promotion of healthier picks is really of import. Healthy behaviors are promoted utilizing assorted intercessions including media runs, booklets demoing images and marks, events with function theoretical accounts and other schemes ( Hastings and Haywood, 1991 ) . Exchange theory in societal selling: Exchange theory is adopted from the commercial selling where the consumer gives money in exchange of the coveted merchandise ( Rothschild, 1999 ) . In societal selling the consumer is giving up the present behaviors voluntarily by passing his valuable clip, some costs for diet alterations and other behaviors. In return the consumer may anticipate better and healthy life which is of existent value for him ( Antonoidis et al, 2003 ) . In the present theoretical account the consumer is discontinuing sedentary behaviors and hazardous nutrient behaviors and in bend anticipating good wellness and positive alteration in his personal and societal life. Development: The jobs within the people include the cultural, societal, personal and environmental factors that show impact on their behaviors ( Koplan, Liverman and Kraak, 2005 ) . Koplan, Liverman and Kraak, ( 2005 ) suggests there should be a good grounds of the effectivity of the intercessions. Extensive research utilizing both qualitative and quantitative may assist in cognizing the wide scope of factors associated with the present hazard factor in accomplishing good consequences. The jobs within the administration include the deficiency of clip, deficiency of resources, working staff and deficiency of support from the direction or wellness attention workers. In add-on the Action program: or ( rating ) Strengths: Failing: Decision: In the current state of affairs where fleshiness is presenting a major menace to the society, societal selling has to play an of import function in conveying about major alteration in single wonts. In add-on to this societal selling has to pave way to reforms by the authoritiess to command the unhealthy and hazardous behavior in the society. On the whole societal selling intercessions on childhood fleshiness may give positive consequences in constructing up healthy society. Social selling on childhood fleshiness should be taken up globally taking in to consideration of the geographical, environmental and local societal factors. How to cite Social Marketing Combating Childhood Obesity Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
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