Friday, November 29, 2019
Thomas Blum Essays - Fiction, Literature, English-language Films
Thomas Blum Mr. Hopper English 105-28 11 September 2017 Savagery The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel in which the theme of savagery versus civilization is explored. Some British boys are stranded on an isolated island at the time of an imaginary nuclear war. On the island, we see conflict between two main characters, Jack and Ralph, who respectively represent civilization and savagery. This has an effect on the rest of the boys throughout the novel as they delve further and further into savagery. The theme of savagery versus civilization is first introduced to us through the symbol of the conch shell which we associate with Ralph as he is the person who first uses it and becomes the elected leader of the boys. This symbolizes authority amongst the boys. At the first assembly Ralph says "I'll give the conch to the next person to speakhe won't be interrupted". This suggests civilization as Ralph is allowing each boy to have an equal say and opinion. If they have the conch, no matter who they are or what age they are they will be given the chance to speak and will be listened to by the rest of the boys. The boys have created the island to be a democratic place which shows a civilized side to them as they try to mimic the homes they have just left. Contrasting with the symbol of the conch is the symbol of the beast which comes to be associated with Jack as by the end of the novel he is almost devil worshipping it. The beast begins as a"snake thing" but by the end of the novel it has become "the Lord of the Flies". The first quote shows us that the beast is clearly evil. Western society considers snakes to be bad omens because it was a snake that led Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge. However, at this stage of the novel the beast is quite insubstantial as it is only a "thing". As the boy's fear of the beast grows so too does the beast itself until it has manifested into the devil - the ultimate and most powerful evil. He has a strong status as a Lord although it is over something pretty disgusting - the flies. The boy's belief in the beast leads them to behave more like savages as they act out from their fear and they begin to lose hold of the rules, led by Jack, thus demonstrating the theme of savagery. One of ways Golding shows conflict between savagery and civilization is when Jack and some of the other boys are killing the first pig. Jack chants "kill the pig, cut her throat, spill the blood". This suggests savagery as the boys are being violent and aggressive when killing the pig and they don't care about it. This is particularly clear through Golding's word choice. Jack talks about cutting the pig's throat which makes it sound like a savage action and spilling her blood which reinforces the lack of care and feeling shown towards the pug's carcass. This shows that the boys are no longer feeling guilty about what they have done thus showing them becoming savages. We can see the conflict between savagery and civilization developing further when Piggy's glasses are broken. We are told "Piggy cried out in terror my specs!" This shows us that the boys savage natures are beginning to overrule their more civilized sides. At the start of the book Jack would never have dared touch Piggy, but here he actually snaps and goes for Piggy who he despises. We can tell that Piggy is really scared as Golding chooses the words "cried" and "terror" to describe the scene. Piggy sounds like he is hurting and is genuinely terrified about what Jack might do to him and the loss of his sight. Piggy's glasses have also come to represent intelligence on the island, with them breaking we see that the pathway to savagery is now completely open for the boys. This is the first true piece of violence between the two factions on the island and it will result in nearly all the boys becoming savages. A final
Monday, November 25, 2019
Water Erosion Degrading The Land in Australia †Science Essay
Water Erosion Degrading The Land in Australia – Science Essay Free Online Research Papers Water Erosion Degrading The Land in Australia Science Essay This essay will explore the topic of water erosion. Water erosion means the removal of soil by water. In this essay, I want to investigate the answers to the following questions. First, this essay will talk about what it is and why does it happen. Second, this essay will talk about what effect and where does it occur. Third, this essay will try to understand what has been done and is being done to control erosion. Water erosion is the most common type of land degradation affecting Australia. It could be divided into 4 types. Sheet Erosion is the removal of a fairly uniform layer of soil from the land surface by raindrop splash or runoff. After the gully erosion land surface is runoff by water and it makes large cannels in the landscape. Tunnel erosion remove the sub-surface soil while the soil surface remains act, and landslip is the removal of the soil mass downhill under the force of gravity. This water erosion happens because of heavy rainfall. The effect of the water erosion is usually damage to vegetation. Loss of top soil and fertility, reduced plant growth, loss of area for farming could be main problems of water erosion. Water erosion mostly happen in bald area. Plants prevent soils from being swept away because their roots hold the soil. The area which animals ate and trample the grasses. Once again, the bare soil is vulnerable to water or wind. Water erosion can be minimized by using contour banks and vegetation cover. Gully erosion can be controlled by grassed waterway. A grassed waterway is a wide, shallow grassed channel that can carry a large volume of water quickly down a steep slope. Drop structures are constructed along waterways to drop water to lower elevations without causing erosion. Water erosion has 4 main types and happens because water removes the soil. Its effect is the damage to the soil. The damage makes vegetation to fail. Water erosion usually occurs in bare soil. There are several tries to cure the erosion. I wanted to find it to, but I couldn’t. Research Papers on Water Erosion Degrading The Land in Australia - Science EssayAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Spring and AutumnThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationMind TravelThe Hockey GameHip-Hop is ArtWhere Wild and West MeetRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andCapital PunishmentStandardized Testing
Thursday, November 21, 2019
[Astronomy subject] Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
[Astronomy subject] Assignment - Essay Example This asteroid has an approximate diameter of 270 meters. Initial observations of the asteroid suggested a small chance (up to 2.7%) that the asteroid may strike earth probably on 13th April 2029. NASA has predicted 1 in 300 chance of the asteroid striking the Earth. But the results may change based on the day to day observations by NASA. With the development of new technologies, it may be possible to demolish any object which could be a threat. But this may lead to fragments of an asteroid striking the Earth. A thorough research should be carried out to understand the negative impacts of such an action. The motion or the orbit of an asteroid depends on many factors such as the gravitational pull of other planets or a satellite’s pull from solar wind. So it may be difficult to divert an asteroid and change its orbit. Asteroid 2011 CQ1 is a small 1 meter diameter asteroid which made a record close approach on February 4 2011. The Center for Meteorite Studies states that it passed within a range of 5480 KM over a region in the mid-pacific. It is the closest non impacting asteroid in the NASA asteroid Catalogue till
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case Analysis on Human Resource Management Essay - 1
Case Analysis on Human Resource Management - Essay Example Line ,managers are the people who engineer effective human resource management. These managers link people with different missions. Linking people together and the human capital will require trained human resource managers who will be resourceful in acting strategically on issues concerning human resources management. Human resource management should be addressed as the firm’s business issues. The human resources managers should put much emphasis on the effectiveness of the business, maximizing profits, and the overall business survival. The line managers are very instrumental in making sure that the human resource issues are well managed. Lucent Technologies have made greater achievements in the human management issues. Their employees (managerial and professional) are highly motivated people a thing that has greatly contributed in the success of the company. These have seen it being the leading company in the technological field. It has a good repute on issues relating to staff recruitment, promotion of its employees to different managerial ranks and the overall management issues that has led to the inclusion of women as their employees thus gender sensitive. However, Lucent Technology is facing management challenges and is not sure about the future of its employees who are of hourly basis, this is because its competitors who include Cisco systems concentrate on manufacturing to smaller firms a move that help reduce costs, similar impacts are made on Lucent. The company CEO Mr. Henry Schacht is determined in making considerable changes in the company by making it move from manufacturing oriented to technological oriented a thing that has contributed to the increased productivity. Its growth in the first four years has been very successful under the leadership of Henry Schacht . He has organized the firm into eleven business units as an expansion strategy. Lucent technologies have created
Monday, November 18, 2019
Pros and Cons of Capital Budgeting Measures Research Paper
Pros and Cons of Capital Budgeting Measures - Research Paper Example Examples here include the payback period and the accounting rate of return. The other techniques employed in the evaluation of projects are the discounted methods of appraising capital projects. In these methods, the future expected cash flows are discounted at the organizations cost of capital to determine the projects’ to be undertaken. In this approach, only projects with positive net present value will be undertaken in order of their profitability. The idea of capital budgeting before investments are undertaken is necessitated by the need to avoid incurring losses and to maximize the returns of a firm at the lowest cost possible. The budgeting process is also necessary because of the capital constraints that companies face. Due to capital inadequacy, companies and firms will not be in a position to undertake all the projects and therefore creating the need to only undertakes the most profitable investments (Baker, 2011). Failure to undertake capital budgeting process may c ause organizations to realize heavy losses and have going concern problems. In this paper, discussion has made on the pros and cons of the methods of NPV, IRR, MIRR and discounted payback method. I would prefer the use of NPV and IRR methods of capital budgeting in instances that we have independent projects with equal sizes. The two methods can thus be used interchangeably and would be preferred because they incorporate the risk and time values in their calculations. MIRR, which is an improvement of IRR, is also preferable in cases where we have projects having irregular cash flows and therefore provides a solution to some of the short falls of IRR. Investment appraisal should therefore be keenly undertaken by qualifies personnel and all necessary weights should be integrated when determining the best method to use. It must be noted that all the methods used in capital budgeting measures have some limitations (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2010). The best that should be done is to ensure tha t such deficiency does not impair materially the decision to be made. Net Present Value The NPV of a project is the present value of all the future expected cash inflows less the present value of the future expected cash outflows (Parrino & Kidwell, 2009). In this case, the future expected cash flows are determined currently and discounted using the cost of capital of the firm. NPV takes into account only cash flows and does not use the accounting profits or items like depreciation. It is commonly used by many organizations in their investment appraisal method. Most businesses and organizations that are interested in the viability and profitability of projects have normally applied the NPV method as a way of evaluating their actions. The wide acceptance of NPV is because it is easier to understand and to interpret the results even to those without financial knowledge. NPV has various advantages. To begin with, the method considers the time value of money and therefore shoulders the effect of inflation and interest rates that are likely to adverse affect the value of money. It must be noticed that the value of 1 dollar today may not be the same as the value of the same dollar in 3 years time because of time difference. The second reason for use of this method is that it gives the criteria to use in the selection of the projects to be undertaken. The firms may undertake investments with positive NPV’s because they have a net gain as opposed to those with negative NPV’s which results into losses. The investors or firms are
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Marketing Strategy Assignment Toothpaste
Marketing Strategy Assignment Toothpaste EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is about to offer a better product HERBAL TOOTHPASTE in the UK market from the Middle-eastern Company and to acquire a good market share. Toothpaste market of United Kingdom is divided into two major segments; one is the Gel Paste market and the other is the Opaque market or Chalk Based Paste market or popularly known as the Paste or dental cream market. The Market for Oral Hygiene in the UK Increased Between 2002-2007, Growing at an Average Annual Rate Of 3.2% ( Total UK oral care market share nearly  £840m. HERBAL TOOTHPASTE are made from natural ingredients and some are even certified as organic and many consumers have started to switch over to natural toothpastes in order to avoid synthetic and artificial flavors that are commonly found in regular toothpastes. HERBAL TOOTHPASTE have products ranging those are also rich in calcium and other minerals which makes the teeth stronger and prevents cavities. HERBAL TOOTHPASTE will be import ed from Middle Eastern Company and marketed at a reasonable price comparing with locally produced toothpaste such as Colgate, Kingfisher etc. Through a research of UK market the objective of this report is to identify the target market with Marketing strategies, target market segmentation including marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion) which is an important factor for an organization in order to penetrate and develop its market. To explore how the target market perceives the HERBAL TOOTHPASTE and how the company tries to influence exposure, attention and interpretation of the product. Here, the scope of the report will be narrowed only to HERBAL TOOTHPASTE. With an effective marketing strategies; the proposed product will increase its reputation day by day and if any challenges will be studied and analyzed so that it can be predicted in this economic climate what to do to sustain the market share and remain more competitive. INTRODUCTION HERBAL TOOTHPASTES are made from natural ingredients. Some toothpaste is still approved as organic. From our study and research it is found that many customers have taking place to change over to organic toothpastes to avoid synthetic artificial flavours which are normally found in regular toothpastes.( Because of the increased demand of natural products, Herbal toothpaste will be the perfect timing of demand. This kind of toothpaste does not have dyes, artificial flavours or chemicals and this is one of the mainly general reasons that consumers claim when switching from ordinary toothpaste to Herbal toothpaste. Some people would rather use Herbal toothpaste for their oral hygiene and variety of reasons. Many people actually opting for them since they are not tested on animals. Others, devoted to guard the environment or who are sensitive to the ingredients in usual toothpastes, are attracted to the reality that they have no artificial colours or flavourings. People who use homeopathic medicines are also attracted to toothpastes that dont contain mint as practitioners state the Herb may hamper with the effectiveness of their treatment. ( Herbal toothpastes are also fluoride-free, which appears to be other frequent grounds why some individuals prefer this category of toothpaste more than regular one. Also some people have allergies or other health concerns who may wish to think about Herbal or organic tooth paste formulations. These products can be a excellent choice for them who are allergic to mint or to sodium laurel sulphate, a foaming agent that is incl uded in most commercial toothpaste brands. Classic ingredients in Herbal and organic toothpastes include herbs with traditional historical uses like myrrh to help destroy plaque-causing bacteria; chamomile to reduce gum inflammation; Echinacea to inspire the immune system; sage and rhatany to decrease bleeding and essential oils like peppermint, to add flavour and ease pain and irritation. Some other common raw materials for these products include clove, ginger and tea tree oils. Some common ingredients are eucalyptus, Chamomile myrrh, Sage and some other less known plants such as Choti ilaychi, Lavang, Neem, Saunf, Khadir, Babool,. Herbal toothpastes also contain oils such as oils of coriander, ginger, lemon, and spearmint. Eucalyptus is however one of the most common ingredients in herbal toothpastes, mainly for its properties of whitening and prevents stained teeth. Myrrh is used to prevent gingivitis and bad breath and Chamomile and Sage are said to be helpful in soothing mouth ulcers, toothaches and inflamed gums. MARKETING ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS Organizational success depends on sensing and responding to shifting conditions the business environment. At the most basic level, these represent Opportunities and Threats. Lowly, A. and Hood, P. (2004). Strategic planning effects the organization in different ways. To review environment of any Market we need to understanding of connection with various problems and issue with one another and the effect of that particular areas. To illustrate the UK external environment PEST analysis is constructive. It includes the aspects those are political (taxason policy, foreign trade regulation, government stability), economical (unemployment, disposable income), social (life style change, level of education), technological (government spending on research, speed of technology transfer), environmental (companys responsibility to society) and legislative (code of practice, access to raw materials) factors. 3.1. PEST Analysis of UK Market Environment The PEST analysis is a framework that strategy consultants use to scan the external micro-environment in which a form operates. PEST is an acronym for Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors. Typically, these factors are outside the control of the retailer and may either be threats or opportunities. These factors may vary within the regions of a country and would most definitely vary from one country to another. ( Pradhan,S.2007.p.111) According to Stoner (1992) PEST analysis is concerned with the environmental influences on a business. PEST influences are a useful way of summarizing the external environment in which a business operates. However it must follow up by consideration of how a business should respond to these influences. As Pradhan,S.(2007) described in Retailing Management, 2nd edition: The PEST factors that affect the retail sector: Political Economic Social Technological Political stability Rate of economic growth Income distribution of the population Level of technology use in the sector Government policy towards investment in the sector Money policy Size of Population Penetration of internet Labor laws Level of Taxation Demographics of the population Penetration of the mobile technology Consumer Protection Restriction on the entry of foreign players in the market Consumer confidence Rate of population, Age profile of the population (Pradhan, S.2007.p112) Political: Nowadays there are many companies operating their globalized business with different kinds of tooth pastes in UK. As an external factor Political condition can affect and influence of new products like Herbal Toothpastes performance. In favour of service legislations, the administration encourages retailers to make available a mix of occupation opportunities from elastic, lower-paid and locally-based career to highly capable, high remunerated and centrally positioned jobs (Balchin, 1994). The changes of government rules and regulation can affect the business of any company to entrance with new products such as introduce new tax policies on leisure could create a direct impact on the Herbal Toothpaste Import. Economical: Another environmental factor is economic, which can make a enormous effect in the business of Toothpaste. Presently UK is in front of a great economic down turn. With the present condition financial, employment,, mortgage sectors are deficiently effected . Earnings of people have decreased and the inflation rose up. In this situation people dont spend money for their residence and cant do proper savings. Due to current market situation any new products may effected in their business. The international business market is still growing. Through our Herbal Toothpaste products we are expecting it will add greater amounts to its business. So it would be badly exaggerated if some delay in the UK FMCG market with market concentration risks. Social: Social environmental factor has a great emphasis on business environment especially with the present economic down turn. Customers have moved towards changes. Our products have enlarged the quantity of FMCG products like HERBAL TOOTHPASTE available for the customers. Nationalized retailers are gradually reserved to get on new suppliers (Clarke, Benison and Guy, 1994; Datamonitor Report, 2003). Type of products and services demand by the customers regarding their social circumstances and their subsequent attitudes and values. Customers are becoming much more aware about health and safety issue and the attitudes towards FMCG are always changing. Herbal toothpaste introducing its products mix to enlarge require for natural products. The consumers for Herbal Toothpaste are of middle, upper middle and upper class families in our target market. They are the relatively conscious part of the society, with both the need and the purchasing power necessary. Technological: Toothpaste is one of the most popular and fast growing products in UK market. Technology is a irregular macro-environmental that has affected the improvement of FMCG products. The customer and the company are being benefited as the technology provided new era in service. Technology helps a lot to rises the customers satisfaction. The company will use the modern high technology in production and all HERBAL TOOTHPASTE outlets will use the wireless devices, internet, intelligent scanner, electronic shelf labelling, Radio Frequency Identification, Close Circuit Camera (CCTV), Money paying machine etc. The electronic point of sale and electronic scanner have significantly enhanced the effectiveness of delivery and stocking actions, with requirements being communicated almost in authentic time to the supplier. 3.2. Porters Five Forces: Potential Entrants Industry Competitors Rivalry Among Existing Firms Suppliers Buyers Substitutes Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of Suppliers Bargaining power of buyers Threat of substitute products or services To analyze how the business atmosphere is changing the way of the product, the five forces model of Michael Porters has been used here. The competitive five forces have prepared by identifying five original competitive forces which are prospective entrance, threats of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers and competition between existing companies. 01 Suppliers Power The major business giants are also a threatened for the new entrance business society if they bring the products from broad in cheaper rates side and dont take from the local suppliers. The services of aggressive competition have concentrated the earnings limitations for supermarket chains and suppliers. 02 Buyers Power The more products that become standardized or undifferentiated, the lower the switching cost and hence, more power is yielded to buyers, (Porter M. 1980). The power of buyers can also influence cost and investment, because powerful buyers demand costly service. The customers are aware about the products and its influences that they expect from third world producers. 03 Threat of Substitution General substitute is able to reduce demand for a particular product, as there is a threat of consumers switching to the alternative (Porter M, 1980). Herbal Toothpaste will create its own market through huge marketing activities but the existence of similar other products from companies like Colgate, kingfisher, Crest etc. 04 Threat of New Entry New entrants to an industry bring new capacity and a desire to gain market share that puts pressure on prices, costs, and the rate of investment necessary to compete. the company needs to monitor the market as well as ready to face challenges from such arrivals which then gives organisation better strength to maintain its image and loyalty to its consumers. It is very difficult for the new company to entrance and provide sufficient capital for big fix costs and extremely developed supply chain as there bare already business giants are there in the market. 05 Competitive Rivalry The FMCG business environment has grown in significant way in shape and dominated by the larger chain opening big store, developing concentrate of retailer and proper utilization of the formats. Herbal toothpaste may faces competitive rivalry from Colgate, kingfisher, crest. the organisation needs to bring more effective marketing intelligence provide early warning of opportunities and threats. 3.3. Target Market Actually all toothpaste users or potential toothpaste users represent the target market of Herbal toothpaste. As awareness for dental health and well-being is increasing tremendously in UK. According our own study the target market for Herbal toothpaste is also increasing. Target market of Herbal toothpaste is not also much limited or segmented by age. Toothpaste is a family product, thus used by family members of all age groups. The users of this paste are everyone in the family who looks for strong, healthy teeth without problems like cavity and tooth decay. Here, the basic target group consists of children up to 14 years of age and their parents and other senior members of the family. Fulfilled: Mature, satisfied, comfortable and reflective people who value order, knowledge and responsibility. They are Conservative, practical and look for functionality. For this reason Herbal Toothpaste will be promoted on the basis of functionality, i.e. strong teeth to the senior members. Believer: Conservative, conventional people with concrete belief based on tradition like family. They are the parents caring for the kids who stay loyal to the brands they find best. Again, the kids are expected to be traditional. For this Herbal Toothpaste promotion is targeted towards the kid who would become life-long loyal Herbal Toothpaste user. Geo-Lifestyle Analysis (PRIZM): The Herbal Toothpaste consumers are the Young suburbia. They have young families, mostly married couple with children. These families are affluent and strong consumer of family products like toothpaste. For this Herbal Toothpaste targets the family focusing the promotion on the kids. 3.4. Demographic: Population of Muslims in UK are 1.6 million, 2.8% or total population of UK. Age 5-50 Area: East London, Tooting Broadway, White Chapel, Bethnal Green 72% of Muslims living in East London Price Range  £3- £5 Total market 400,000 people. (Source: Total population-office for national statistic 2001, Muslim population-office for national statistic 2001) MARKETING MIX To know the character of customers and their needs and desires is only the first step, however. The organisation needs to act on that information, in order to develop and implement marketing activities that actually deliver something of value to the customer. The means by which such ideas are turned into reality is the marketing mix. The following figure summarises the areas of responsibility within each element of the mix. PRODUCT New product development (e.g. Herbal body lotion, body powder) Product management (With strong management team) Product benefits (Made by Natural fresh ingredients) Branding Packaging (Under the perfect monitoring of the Company with high technology) PRICE Cost (Herbal toothpaste will be low cost product comparing with others) Profitability (After 6 months it will be profitable for the company,) Value for money (Herbal toothpaste cost effective products for the customers) Competitiveness (The products will be competitive in the market) Incentives (On Bulk purchase) PROMOTION Developing communication mixes (With Company, retailers, end users) Advertising management (Company marketing strategy management team collaboration with local add firm) Sales promotion (For distributors, retailers, customers) Sales public relation management (campaign, contribution in social activities) Direct marketing PLACE Access to target market (Easy access all over in UK market) Channel structure (Distribution channels are Tesco, Asda, Boots, Sainsburys) Channel management (Through Herbal products management committee and selective retailers) Logistics (Companys own support) The 4Ps : 4.1. PRODUCT: Products are solutions to customers needs. The company (the product provider) needs to make various product decisions, including functionality, range offered, brand names, packaging, service and support. The product is normally the critical element in the marketing mix, with all other decisions relating to this element (Drummond Ensor, 2005). The ingredients are eucalyptus, myrrh, Chamomile, Sage and some other less known plants such as Lavang, Choti ilaychi, Saunf, Neem, Babool, Khadir. Herbal toothpastes also contain oils such as oils of coriander, ginger, lemon, and spearmint. Some of these ingredients are available in India and its very cost effective to import from there. Product name: HERBAL TOOTHPASTE Tag Line: Real Fresh Dental Care Target Market: 5-50 years customer (everyone can use) 4.1.1. Product Range: Herbal Gum Protection Toothpaste: Contain kinds of herb, such as honeysuckle and chrysanthemum etc, which prevent mouth from cancer and protect gum. Advanced milling raw material make teeth white. Constantly using can protect gum. It gives pleasant refreshing breath. (spec: 150gm) Herbal Anti-cavity Toothpaste: Have good function of anti-cavity, strengthen teethFruit flavor give mouth pleasant aroma. : (spec: 150gm) Herbal Tartar Control Toothpaste : Offering silica based white toothpaste which is specialized for controlling tartar. The toothpaste comes with fluoride and without fluoride and it is extremely helpful cavity protection along with refreshing breath. (spec: 150gm) Herbal Natural Toothpaste : We are engaged in offering supreme quality natural paste. The natural paste is created by using completely natural ingredients that make them absolutely safe to use and free from side effects. ( Spec: 150gm) 4.1.2. Labelling: Our state-of-the art manufacturing capabilities enable us to successfully undertake private labelling activity; on the behalf of our customers. We use latest technology in production and packaging, to ensure that the end product complies fully with your requirements. This enables you to market a trustworthy and genuine product, under your brand, at very reasonable prices. 4.1.3. Product Life Cycle: According to the Break- Even analysis we can predict that after 3.7 months the company will get profit from the product. It will increase through developing the products and introducing new products I the entire market. After a certain period of time (3.7 months) the product will be matured and will be established in the competitive market. Source: 4.2. PRICE: Pricing strategy is affected by various factors such as cost of production, internal and external factors, competitors price for similar products etc. For our product we need to analyze these factors in order to develop competitive pricing strategy to offer better value products to its customers. Since all of the products are freshly made, the cost of production must be less than its competitors which hence reflects on its different range of products. Herbal toothpaste will be recognized as low cost but quality based products. Furthermore, our products will carefully focus on segmented pricing such as kids products is offered for a low price. On the other hand, it cannot charge the same range of prices in Middle-East which it is charging in UK market a geographical pricing strategy of our product is more effective in order to gain international reputation. Promotional pricing also gives the company to penetrate market more effectively. Using the Cost-based pricing Strategy Herbal To othpaste will be sold @  £3.25 per unit (200gm) tube with  £1.85 unit contribution margin. Takes into consideration the fixed costs and variable costs in the Break -Even Analysis given below. 4.2.1. Break Even Analysis: 4.3. PLACE: The organisation must distribute the product to the user at the right place at the right time. Efficient and effective distribution is important if the organisation is to meet its overall marketing objectives. If an organisation underestimate demand and customers cannot purchase products because of it, profitability will be affected. ( For a Hybrid marketing systems multiple distributor will be used for the Herbal Toothpaste Retailers Catalogues (free and available from the retailing shops) Samples from the partners. Vertical marketing systems will be contractual with our retailers like boots, Tesco, Asda, and Sainsburys. Indirect Channel: Distribution the products into different wholesaler/retailers Store the stocks in a warehouse or business self storage in London Ship the Product from Dubai to UK(London) Mid EC Inc based from DubaiLogistics and Distribution: 4.4. PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY: No strategy lasts forever. Organizations need to innovate strategies and implement them in order to obtain a continuous success. As we are going to launch a new product in a new market we have selected some promotional strategies. The promotion strategy of Herbal Toothpaste are advertising, sales promotion, public relations however there are two more promotion strategies which are personal selling and indirect marketing. It has been observed that Herbal Toothpaste will always be consistent in promoting sales through advertising in different media ranging from newspapers to TV and radio. The sales promotion via gift promotional vouchers are some other areas where Herbal Toothpaste will found equally consistent. Due to its effective marketing strategy, Herbal Toothpaste will attract more customers towards its stores and sales points. The other promotional strategy will be its slogan REAL FRESH DENTAL CARE, through such kind of promotional activities the product will get its place in t he market will acquire more market share compare to other products in the market. Herbal Toothpaste will be quite a heavily outdoor- advertised brand that it forms a part of the landscape of almost all the neighborhoods of England. Everywhere one goes, one can see the brand logo. The brand name is displayed in many forms, including the following Billboards Shop fronts and store headboards Posters and stickers Media ( Television, Radio) All of these increase the chances of exposure so much that it is almost impossible to be unfamiliar with the brand. Attention These advertises successfully attracts the consumer as they use focus on the kids. The promotional activities for the brand are designed to gain attention using a number of stimulus factors. Size: Ads for Herbal Toothpaste is all big billboards that must attract the consumer. Colour: All advertisements for Herbal Toothpaste will be Black and white accompanied by Red on one side. Position: Advertisements of Herbal Toothpaste dental cream try to take advantage of every possible position, be it the right, left or centre of a street. Format: All advertisements of Herbal Toothpaste make use of a simple format, to make it easier to understand. 4.5. SEGMENTATION AND POSITION Freshness Strength Family Personal Benefit Positioning: Like all other dental creams in the market, Herbal Toothpaste will be positioned on the basis of benefits offered to the consumers through competitive low price. It projects functional benefit of strong healthy teeth without tooth decay, cavity or any other problem. For this Herbal Toothpaste dental cream will be promoted as a family product. Crest Paste Colgate Gel Herbal Toothpaste Kingfisher Sensodyne Aquafresh This diagram compares the attributes of our contribution with the finest of our contest in each category. Preferably the demonstrate for our product will shape a circle around the boundaries of the graph. This assessment will force us to consider the power of each of the competitive offerings and how we must position our offering to face them. Source: 5. IMPLEMENTATION OF MARKET STRATEGY Herbal Toothpaste is in the long term and short-term memory of the consumer. It is memorized as preventing tooth decay, making healthy teeth and healthy kid. Herbal toothpaste Strong teeth Strong kid Happy kid Reasonable Price Economic Red colour of package Energy No tooth decay Enjoy life High quality Happy Family Number one brand Fun Foreign Figure: Partial Schematic Memory of Herbal Toothpaste (personal views) Bridging Consumer Need and the Product: Happy kid Healthy kid Healthy Tooth Strong Teeth Herbal Toothpaste Complete toothpaste Natural Ingredients Toothpaste preferred by kid Happy Family Toothpaste for whole family Integrated Communication Mix N E E D B E N E F I T Bridged byNeed of the Herbal Toothpaste user is strong and healthy teeth. This can be graphically depicted. Product benefit is strong and healthy teeth due to different ingredient in the product. Herbal Toothpaste bridges this need and benefit with the help of advertisements in television and on print media. In the advertisement they show the need for and the way to have strong and healthy teeth. How Consumer Attitude is Influenced For the favourable attitude resulting in purchasing of Herbal Toothpaste, the company will focus on consumers consistent and positive mix of cognitive, affective and behavioural components. Changing Cognitive Component Changing the belief that not all toothpastes are equally capable to prevent tooth decay and Herbal Toothpaste does this task best. They show it by a comparative advertisement with a simple experiment on a tooth like shell (shonkho) and germ, where Herbal Toothpaste proves to be more effective in preventing decay. Herbal Toothpaste will carry out campaigns in schools to teach the children how to care their teeth. This in turn increases awareness and preference. Shifting importance towards stronger teeth than fighting germs, comparing with the competitors. Changing the ideal of teeth, with more emphasis on strength than on whiteness and freshness implying that all these would come with strong teeth. Changing Affective Component Classical conditioning with children smiling (described before) With emotional appeal in the advertisement and continuous exposure on TVC, Billboard, Hoarding, newspaper, on Internet and religious festivals. Changing Behavioural Component Promotion in the school level accompanying free sample, Arranging drawing competition for the kids, Giving free gift of drawing book and pencil to the kids. Self-Concept: Self-concept is the perception and attitude consumers hold toward themselves. The target group, as described earlier, is families who share collective values and where family affairs run around the children. Strengthening self-concept: Both actual and ideal self-concepts of both parents and children meet with projection of Herbal Toothpaste. Both the parents and the kid him/herself want to have healthy teeth that would make the whole family happy. Thus Herbal Toothpaste strengthens the self-concept of the consumers. Forming self concept: Self-concept is formed through interaction with the surroundings in very early stages of life. Keeping this in mind, Herbal Toothpaste conducts its school program, as described earlier. Through this program they form the self-concept of the kids that values health, strength and family. Thus Herbal Toothpaste attempts to form and strengthen favourable self-concept. 6. CONCLUSION: Toothpaste is one of the largely vibrant segments of the oral care market. The regularity of product launches in existing segments of the marketplace and origin of new product segments contributes to constant growth of the toothpaste market. Enlarge in sales of oral hygiene stuffs in key markets worldwide has mostly resulted from rising awareness of cleanliness and product modernism. New advancements have led to the launch of a diversity of high-priced, value-added multifunctional products in numerous oral care categories such as toothpastes and toothbrushes. Whitening toothpastes and products offer multiple functions are driving growth in the dentifrices segment. Its certainly big business its the biggest segment of the UK oral care market, with a  £330m share of the nearly  £840m total, according to research firm Euro monitor. Currently, for major toothpastes, averting tooth decay is not sufficient, which usually guarantee benefits such as fresher breath, healthier gums and whiter teeth. Technological advancements in recent years have altered the toothpaste segment to one that offers additional benefits besides just fighting cavities to customers. This made manufacturers to roll out products with a lot of additional features that were not available previously. Word count: 3735
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Did Sparta Achieve Her Goal :: essays research papers
Did Sparta Achieve Her Goal? Sparta is the most formidable city known in history. Famous for her impressive military power, she proved that strength didn’t lie in numbers, it lay in Spartan discipline. Sparta started out as a small city fighting only to survive against enemy invaders. Her goal was to avoid defeat from other city-states and she very nearly succeeded in achieving it. Using self-denial, strong discipline and harsh training, Sparta focused almost all her attention on achieving her goal. Known as the ‘tamer of men’, her strength made all but Spartan men shrink in fear. However, Sparta did not wage war any more lightly then any other army, she simply waged it better. Despite the cold, military driven surface, Sparta often engaged in merriment. Festivals were celebrated with vigor, men were good to their families and their women were renowned for their beauty. Nevertheless, they always refused to become distracted from their purpose. Civil wars and ancient rivalries made it painfull y clear that Sparta had no intention of allowing Athens or any other rival take over. However, she was still quite willing to join arms with the same rivals to fight off foreign invaders. When Greece was threatened by Persia, Sparta halted her competition with Athens and relentlessly fought back the enemy forces. After her triumph over the Persians, Sparta’s temporary peace with Athens was short-lived. The Greeks soon returned to their petty affairs. For 75 years Sparta and Athens fought for supremacy. Eventually, Sparta won, but in doing so she finally allowed all of Greece to witness her tragic flaw. Militarily, Sparta was more than impressive. However, in many of the city-states she now had in her power, she set up harsh discipline and dictatorships. This proved that Sparta’s weakness lay in organizing peace among her new found successes. When the disaster of Sparta’s catastrophic defeat from little Thebes reached her people, they continued to celebrate their Youth Festival refusing to show any emotion-this was still Sparta. It would be long before Sparta would fade away, but nevertheless she quietly withered away; ironically still displaying the quiet, stubborn Spartan discipline. Her goal of surviving against all other forces was so close to being attained but she made a small but dire mistake. Foolishly underestimating the power of Thebes, Sparta failed to see that Thebes was incredibly similar to her younger self. Sparta began as a small city merely waging war in order to survive; Thebes had the same motivation for war, except that their key to survival was to knock out Sparta.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Mercury Athletic Case Essay
West Coast Fashions, Inc. (WCF), a large designer and marketer of men’s and women’s branded apparel recently announced plans for a strategic reorganization. Active Gear, Inc. (AG), a privately held footwear company, was contemplating an acquisition opportunity. John Liedtke, the head of business development for AG, was interested in a WCF subsidiary. The subsidiary that Liedtke and AG intended to acquire was Mercury Athletic (MA), a footwear company. Liedtke thought acquiring Mercury would roughly double AG’s revenue, increase its leverage with contract manufacturers and expand its presence with key retailers and distributors. In order to provide a solid recommendation to Liedtke, further analysis must be performed. Market Overview The apparel or footwear industry is highly competitive with low growth. The market is influenced by fashion trends, price, quality and style. Companies can reduce risk factors by not following fashion trends which equates to efficient and effective inventory management and missed profit opportunities. Active Gear AG is a relatively small athletic and casual footwear company. It has annual revenues of $470.3M (42% of revenues came from athletic shoes), and $60.4M of operating income. Casting a shadow over these numbers are AG’s typical competitors. AG’s typical competitor has annual sales over $1.0B. Because of Chinese manufacturing contract consolidations, AG’s size was becoming a disadvantage due to low buying power vs. competitors. AG’s initial focus was to produce and market high-quality specialty shoes for golf and tennis players. AG was among the first companies to offer fashionable, walking, hiking and boating footwear. Over the years, the firm’s athletic shoes had evolved from high-performance footwear to athletic fashion wear with a classic image. The firm’s traditional casual shoes also offered classic styling, but were aimed at a broader, more mainstream market. AG’s target demographic was urban and suburbanites, ranging from 25-45 in age. AG’s distribution channels consisted of independent retailers, departmental stores, and wholesalers. AG excluded big box retailers and discount stores. AG focused on products that didn’t follow fashion trends, resulting in a lengthened product lifecycle. This business model led to more efficient and effective supply chain and operating management. However, because they opted for the safe route it halted the company’s sales and growth opportunity. Mercury Athletic Mercury Athletic was purchased by WCF from its founder Daniel Fiore. Fiore was forced to sell the company after running it for over 35 years, due to health problems. Due to a strategic reorganization, the plan called for the divestiture of MA and other â€Å"non-core†WCF assets. MA had revenues of $431.1M and an EBITDA of $51.8M Products were distributed to departmental and discount stores It had two product lines- athletic and casual footwear Target market of both men and women Shoes popularity grew in the extreme sports market MA developed an operating infrastructure, allowing management to quickly adapt to changes in customer tastes with product specifications. 1. Is Mercury an appropriate target for AG? Why or why not? Let me walk you through some qualitative considerations before making my recommendation. Strategic considerations: AG and MA are both competing in the athletic and casual footwear industry. Acquiring MA could lead to economies of scale and scope through manufacturing and distribution networks, respectively. Acquiring MA- AG would be less affected by the Chinese manufacturing contract consolidation, due to increased buying powers. AG could potentially revive and profit from acquiring Mercury’s women’s product line. Acquiring MA will double AG’s annual revenue. Counter arguments- AG and MA target demographics could not produce company synergies MA is fashion trendy, therefore prone to risks outside of AG’s steady business model Company cultures could not match 2. Review the projections by Liedtke. Are they appropriate? How would you recommend modifying them? In order to find if the projections are reasonable, you need a starting point. Using projected growth rates and EBIT should indicate if Liedtke’s data is solid. Referencing the Free Cash Flow and Terminal Value tables (found below), I will be able to generate an opinion of Liedtke’s projections. Year to year growth rates are extremely volatile, normalizing in 2010. The negative rate could signify that in 2007 they are projecting to discontinue a product line. The swing back to a positive growth rate could be indication of AG leveraging its economies of scale and scope, while distributing their product lines through big box retailers. EBIT has been projected to gradually increase, which looks to be on par with industry norms. It is reasonable to say that Liedtke’s projections properly reflect AG’s business model, post-acquisition. 3. See tables and calculations below 4. Do you regard the value you obtained as conservative or aggressive? Why? From my analysis, the value I obtained seemed to be aggressive against the information provided. Referencing the tables below: Terminal or Enterprise Value is High Synergies are excluded from financial analysis Declining revenue growth 5. How would you analyze possible synergies or other sources of value not reflected in Liedtke’s base assumption? In order to analyze possible synergies, I would look at both companies’ operations. Starting from where they source their materials to distributing their final product are all possibilities of operational synergies (buying power, distribution channels, inventory management, etc†¦). Financial synergies would include combining revenues and cost benefits, which translate to increasing bottom line. Company culture matching could also become problematic. Quantitative Analysis Net Working Capital Free Cash Flow WACC Terminal Value Valuation NPV, IRR and Payback Period Conclusion Net present value of future cash flows equates to a positive $0.2M. Internal rate of return or IRR is the interest rate at which the net present value of all the cash flows from a project or investment equal zero. The IRR of this acquisition is 28%. Having a positive NPV and an IRR that considerably outweighs the discount and risk free rate- suggests that this acquisition should be pursued. In conclusion, AG should acquire MA.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Cause and Effect Essay Paper Topics
Cause and Effect Essay Paper Topics Cause and effect essays explore how and why things happen. You could compare two events that seem distinct and separate to show a connection, or you could show the flow of events that occurred within one major event. In other words, you could explore rising tension in the US that concluded with the Boston Tea Party, or you could start with the Boston Tea Party as a political eruption and compare this event to a major event that followed much later, like the American Civil War. Solid Essay Content As with all essay writing, the text must start with an introduction to the subject, followed by the main thrust of the narrative, and finally finishing with a conclusion. For example, The Second World War was the result of building tensions throughout Europe. These tensions had effectively been building since the end of World War I but were increased dramatically when the Nazi party came to power in 1933, led by Adolf Hitler. The thrust of the essay could include the changing fortunes of the main armies, Germany and Japan on one side, and Russia, England and later America on the other. Crafting a Conclusion Finally, the essay could be summarized or concluded with a look at the world after the signing of the unconditional surrender by the German army on May 8th, 1945. In addition, the essay could consider the lasting peace throughout Europe since the end of WWII, the division of Germany (East and West) and the establishment of the United Nations in October 1945. The choice of subject for an essay under the category cause and effect is important as some subjects (such as the example here of WWII) can be extensive and would be more suitable to an essay that requires a large word count. Alternatively, a topic such as Effects of Telling Lies (from the following list) could be relatively short. Interesting Cause and Effect Essay Topics If youre looking for inspiration for your topic, you may find ideas from the following list. The impact when a parent loses a jobThe Revolutionary War and slaveryFood poisoning causesRepercussions of cheating in schoolThe effects of exercisingHow bullying affects victimsHow severe acne affects teensEffects of telling liesThe impact of technology on family timeThe impact of technology on religionThe effects of smokingWhy friendships endThe effects of divorceThe effects of traveling abroadWhat would happen if aliens landed in your townWhat causes kids to try drugs for the first timeWhy ships sinkThe effects of poison ivyWhy weddings look the way they doHow Christmas trees became a part of American cultureEffects of eating too much junk foodThe impact of winning the lotteryThe effects of going without sleepWhat causes natural disastersThe effects of strip miningThe effects of the moon missionsEffects of the Black Death in the Middle AgesEarly trade patternsThe effects of over-fishingHow procrastination affects gradesThe events that led to the fall of Rome
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
buy custom The Development of Information Systems essay
buy custom The Development of Information Systems essay This paper seeks to establish the development of information systems for the enterprise and their future direction. Information systems are a field that keeps on changing with time and invention of better working tools and, therefore, most enterprises have to follow the change and create a way to accommodate these changes. In this paper, we are going to look at these developments and the direction they are likely to take in the future. This is because any development in the information system will call for more innovations in the elements of information systems. In addition, the paper will consider the needs of the enterprise of many sizes and its future opportunities. Enterprises come in different categories depending on the size and operations. Enterprises in the current world are facing considerable challenges from diverse changes making the traditional enterprise information system be out of date. The timely reaction to market changes has turned out to be a competitive advantage. Information system refers to the grouping of software, hardware, infrastructure and trained personnel organised to make possible control, planning, decision-making, and coordination in an organization. On the other hand, an enterprise refers to a company or a business. The development of information systems is a procedure that involves several steps and the paper will outline these steps. In an enterprise, there exist several relationships between information systems and changes in the enterprise, both within and across firms, which affect the development of information systems. The development in information systems gains exceptional attention as it influences the organisational changes. When analysing the development of information systems we will consider the software, hardware, infrastructure, and trained personnel in line with the enterprises plan, control, coordination, and decision-making. The development of information systems varies with the nature of enterprise and its needs. Different enterprises have varied needs and changes in information syste will be in line with these needs. It is, therefore, indispensable for anyone planning to develop an information system of any company or business to consider the nature of enterprise they are dealing with and its needs. There are different types of enterprises including a sole proprietorship, partnership, companies, and corporations. The above types of enterprises have some differences in their ownership, management, liability, amount of capital and their legality. For instance, the sole proprietorship enterprise is whereby the ownership is by one person and so is the management while, for partnership, the management and ownership of the enterprise is by two or more persons. On the other hand, the categorization of enterprises can be in the form of how the enterprise operates. Examples include Independent enterprises, Competitive enterprises, Supplementary enterprises, and Complementary enterprises. Independent enterprises have no direct bearing on each other and an increase in degree of one another neither helps nor hinders the level of the other. Competitive enterprises are those, which contend for the available resources, while supplementary enterprises are the ones, which can supplement each other. These differences in the different categories of enterprises have different needs, which in turn will call for varied information systems (Kirikova, 2002, p.40). The needs of a corporation will not be the same as those of the partnership business and, therefore, they will have different information systems. We define the development of the information system as a change procedure taken with respect to object systems in a set of surroundings by a development group using an organized collection of techniques and tools known as a method to attain or maintain some objectives. The process of development of an information system includes improvement of both computerized and manual parts of an object system. In the definition of the Information System, we see that it includes both computer- supported parts and manual. It is, therefore, essential that the development of the informatioon system involves a technique and a method. By a technique, we refer to the set of rules and steps, which characterize how a symbolization of an information system is derived and handled. This is usually by the use of some theoretical structure and related notations. By employing, the technique-procedure system developers observe, define and correspond on certain features of the present or wished object system. De finition and symbolization of these contexts are held by the theoretical structure of the technique and the notation respectively. The tool in use while applying the technique process means a computer- based application, which sustains the use of a modelling technique. Here, there is an abstraction of the object system into replicas, checking that the replicas are dependable, switching results from one form of replica and representation to another, and giving specifications for re-examination. The major examples of modelling techniques are activity models and data flow diagrams. In the case of data flow diagram, it identifies and names the objects and relationships, which are necessary in developing an information system. For other techniques, they will involve other sets of relationships and objects in development of information system. Modelling techniques have a representation and a notation. For example, in a data flow diagram the notation for a procedure is circular and for a data flow a concrete line with an arrowhead (Prabhu, Kumara, and Kamath, 2003, p 67). On the other hand, a method is an organized and predefined collection rules and techniques that state what order, by whom, and in what means the techniques are applied to attain or sustain some objectives. This definition includes both the process and product contexts and, therefore, insists on the procedure rather than the representation. The next section we look at is the needs of the enterprise of many sizes. In the earlier discussion, the paper analyzed the different classifications of enterprises and, therefore, these enterprises will have varied needs, when it comes to the system development. Buy custom The Development of Information Systems essay
Monday, November 4, 2019
Santa Barbara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Santa Barbara - Essay Example Santa Barbara is one of the unique cities in the world because of its structure. It is surrounded by mountains and sea which not only enhances its beauty, but provides a pleasant climate as well. Even though the state California is known for world famous cities like Los Angeles, Hollywood, San Francisco and San Diego, it doesn’t mean that the list ended with the above cities alone. In fact Santa Barbara is the least advertised cities in California which prevented the global tourists in gathering vital information about it. Most of the tourists who visits California, may go to world famous places alone and will deny the opportunity to visit Santa Barbara because of lack of information and publicity about it. Santa Barbara is a city where one can observe the mixed beauty of American and European culture. Santa Barbara is located at the northwest of Los Angeles and it is also situated close to Europe. In other words, European continent starts where the Santa Barbara ends. This close company of Europe has made Santa Barbara a place which is equally attracted by the American and European tourists. In a tourist’s point of view, one can enjoy both the European and American culture together at one place at Santa Barbara. Hotels, restaurants, recreational activities etc in Santa Barbara have the blending effect of both European and American cultures and traditions. The Santa Barbara city council is keen in maintaining the unique structural style of Santa Barbara in order to preserve its European look. Tourists who have visited Europe can identify the similarity of Santa Barbara with respect to Europe even at the first glance. Like Europe, most of the coffee shops in Santa Barbara are surrounded by Roman fountains and various kinds of statues where people can have the most enjoyable coffee in the open air. These Roman fountains present a cool air and cool wind around the coffee shop area to the customers who can enjoy the taste of hot coffee in a cool
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Innovation Strategies Description Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Innovation Strategies Description - Assignment Example Therefore, Diamond believes that proximate reason as to why some civilizations came to dominate others through militarily, economically, politically, and cultural landscapes are from the effects of food production, effects of writing, effects of technology, governmental organizations, and effects of religion. He thus went ahead to demonstrate how these issues led to the occurrence of differences among cultures (Diamond, 1998). On the other part, Diamond believes that ultimate reason as to why some civilizations came to dominate others is through geography, but not through biology or race of which some studies have tried to prove. Henceforth, geography produces the cultural disparities of which his friend Yali had pointed out. The concept thus implies that Eurasian colonizers did not gain it power they still hold today through a systematic process, or through having the greatest of skill or mind, but pure geographic chance created this difference. The role of innovation in this process is that it leads to the development of systems of some specialized knowledge that eventually leads to the advances in metallurgy, literacy, and eventually the socio-economic organization. Diamond thus concludes that accidents of geography and environment created the domination of whites of the Eurasian origin over other races. Thus, the Europeans received more favors since they had more starting material and also had more favorable conditions. I agree with Diamond’s conclusion because I believe that all people and cultures have the capacity of doing similar things on the provision that they have the resources and privileges of doing so. Another proximate factor that might cause these differences in availability of advanced resources. These resources could be useful for people in all regions to conduct their own research, hence becoming the ultimate solution to many problems that occur in societies.
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