Monday, September 30, 2019
Understanding the Business Competitive Environment
When designing a new strategy for the company, a firm must fully analyze the respective competitive environment in order to come up with decisions that are beneficial. A company must take into account even the minutest details regarding the competitors to understand the factors driving the success of the competitors. PEST analysis, SWOT analysis and Michael Porter’s 5 forces analysis are some ways that develop an understanding of the success of the competitor firms (Porter, 1998). Some questions are given below which help the companies to understand the importance of their expertise and their operations. . How strong is the team of the members at the competitor firm? A firm must focus on their own team and work towards the exploitation of expertise of these members. The other firm may perform well because of their specialization in that field. However, at your company you should make your team strong to gain a competitive edge. 2. What are the practices (operations) adopted by the competitor firm? This helps the firm to gather knowledge on the procedures and methods adopted by the competitor firms. This knowledge helps the company in making its processes efficient in order to stay ahead in the industry and also so that the firms practices can become a benchmark. (Withrow, 2006). 3. What markets or market segments your competitors serve? This question helps the firm in realizing the markets that are being catered and the markets that can be tapped. If the company focuses on itself, it can capture the market of its competitors and create a loyal customer base for itself (Withrow, 2006). 4. What are the competitor’s products/ services prices and promotion strategy? This helps in gaining an insight about the strategies that the companies adopt in order to capture the market. The firm must focus on improving its strategies of cost cutting and adopting to the technological changes so that it can remain ahead of the competition. (Ward, n. d. ) 5. Why customers buy from your competitors? The answer to this question tells about the added value that customers receive as a result of using the competitor products. The firm must focus on providing best services to the customers so that they remain loyal.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Descriptive Writing in Literature
Literature indulges us in a different world by using descriptive writing that paints a vivid picture in our mind. Every author has a different way to accomplish that, but the main purpose is to draw the reader into the desired place and time of the literature. I will compare two poems and one story that capture the imagination by a descriptive writing. First we will take a closer look how these authors accomplished their transition of us into their world and then we will compare if those works have something in common. Grabbing the attention of a reader is not an easy thing especially that each person has a different view of the world, and one thing that can be understandable to some can be an enigma to others. In the poem â€Å"The Fish†written by Elizabeth Bishop we can see a simple act of catching a fish that is translated into a powerful descriptive poem that shows how this catch not only defined time, but is also a renewal of life after the release. When we hear a person describing a fish it is usually pretty simple: small, big, long, had large teeth, heavy etc†¦ In the poem Elizabeth Bishop uses great synonyms and metaphors (change the words) that grab our attention from the first verse:†I caught a tremendous fish and held him beside the boat half out of the water, with my hook fast in a corner of his mouth. †We can clearly imagine the fish that has just been caught still breathing being held next to the boat. Next she uses synonyms that start to describe the appearance of it: â€Å"He hung a grunting weight, battered and venerable and homely. But the great description does not end on those couple lines she goes into details about its skin and how it looks like an old wallpaper, discolored, faded, torn apart: â€Å"his brown skin hung in strips like ancient wall-paper, and its pattern of darker brown was like wall-paper: shapes like full-brown roses stained and lost through age. †Just from reading this couple lines we can see that the fish was old, because of its skin and the color of it, some fish can even grow up to a hundred and now we can see that the catch could be even older that the fisherman. The author goes into further detail about the age of the fish when he writes: â€Å"hung five old pieces of fish-line†¦ with all their five big hooks†and â€Å"Like medal with their ribbons frayed and wavering, a five-haired beard of wisdom trailing from his aching jaw. †These lines have great power of showing us that the fisherman realized that the fish had fought many battles throughout his years, and the reminders that were left in his jaw look like medals worn by soldiers after their fights. The image that we can develop thanks to this descriptive writing is bright and clear this metaphor of medals is a great way to picture the old, tired fish that has overcame many obstacles on its path (Bishop, 2007). The story that we will look at that has also caught my imagination through its playful and colorful writing is â€Å"The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky†by Stephen Crane. In this short story not only the surrounding is described to details, but characters feeling and thoughts are written in a way that we can place ourselves in their shoes. This way we can accomplish a greater similarity with characters and also show some emotion that we have never felt before â€Å"She continually twisted her head to regard her puff sleeves, very stiff, straight, and high. They embarrassed her. †In those two lines we can see that the character is not used to this king of attire and it is making her uncomfortable. Same thing probably happened to everybody in their life once, when we had to wear something that was not chosen by us, but the dress code or the occasion required it, like a bridesmaid who wears a dress that thinks it is the ugliest in the world only to please the bride. Those simple feeling transferred to paper can make the reader transfer in time and place to the action of the story. For example when Stephen Crane describes the drunken challenger and his eagerness to pick a gun fight with anybody he shows us how determined and fearless the man felt â€Å"Often he yelled, and these cries rang through a semblance of a deserted village, shrilly flying over the roofs in a volume that seemed to have no relation to the ordinary vocal strength of a man. It was if the surrounding stillness formed the arch of a tomb over him. These cries of ferocious challenge rang against walls of silence. †We can picture a man who is screaming so loudly that his voice can be heard across town almost begging to find a challenger, but his calls are unanswered and the silence of the town shows how serious this man is. Descriptive writing is a great way to narrate a story that way there is no room for misplacing the feeling that the author is trying to show us (Crane, 2007). The second poem that I have chosen is â€Å"I dwell in the Possibility†by Emily Dickinson. This poem is much different than other two literature works, because it leaves more room for our imagination to fill in the gaps. Emily tells us through her poem how much she loves poetry and how limitless it is. She compares it to a house â€Å"A fairer House than Prose-â€Å"and with this single line she burns an image of a house in our mind, but how does it look? How big is it? In that split second after reading that line we can imagine a house of our dreams without limitations. She goes on comparing windows to opportunities and endless options that can be achieved through poetry. Our house starts taking a sharper and clearer image in us, and to achieve her desired influence on us she paints an extraordinary picture in our imagination. The second stanza holds the key to the incredible descriptive writing that took us on a journey: â€Å"And for an Everlasting Roof The Gambrels of the Sky-â€Å". No house could be complete without a roof; or could it? How could we imagine a house without a roof, or could the sky be our roof? The options are limitless the metaphor is excellent and the descriptive writing although not detailed still fulfilled its purpose of invoking a vivid picture that will last in our mind forever (Dickinson, 2007). Each author used different method of descriptive writing; some left us more room to play with our imagination than others. What matters the most is that not only a colorful picture is painted in our mind, but also emotions are clearly portrayed. To indulge the reader all three authors use the power of words. In poem â€Å"The Fish†I stared and stared and victory filled up the little rented boat†¦ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! †We can imagine the sight of a fisherman that caught a tremendous fish and is really happy, and more importantly in those few lines we can fell that joy and positive energy that illuminates this image in our head. The emotions are almost screaming through the fisherman and the renewal of life after releasing the fish can be felt in us the readers as well. Also the author accomplished sympathy toward the fish without ever mentioning fear or agerness to escape the terrible future that was meant for it. He accomplished that through descriptive writing of its appearance when he compared hooks left in his jaw to medals of soldiers which sway in the wind or when he looked into his eyes that were larger than fisherman’s. Those few moments subconsciously build sympathy in us toward the catch and also build some tension when we read from line to line in hope that it will somehow survive (Bishop, 2007). Stephen Crane also portrays great emotions in his story. This story builds up a tension that was heading towards a gunfight were the main character Jack Potter could not even live long enough to enjoy his first day of marriage. When we compare typical Western movies to â€Å"The Bride comes to Yellow Sky†we can see allot of differences. Nobody has died or even been shot and most importantly even the tough Sheriff is scared of something; people’s reaction to his marriage. The author uses descriptive writing while narrating through the train ride, saloon, and mad gun slinger on the path for blood. What might be a surprise from the first page we can see the emotions of Jack Potter which normally we did not see in Westerns where all lead characters are tough, emotionless, and invincible. The author wants to show real emotions even in a feared man like Jack that was freshly married on his way with the bride to his hometown. The emotions shown between the newlyweds are a big part of this story â€Å"A sense of mutual guilt invaded their minds and developed a finer tenderness. †(p. 484). The joy and happiness that people receive after their marriage is incredible; so many thoughts and feeling are experienced at the same time that are hard to describe and thanks to describing those feeling we become sympathetic with the couple. As we read we develop almost friendship with them and we can start envisioning the unstoppably gunfight which builds even greater emotions in us. Page after page Stephen Crane paints a clearer picture of tension in the town before the main battle erupts â€Å"Oh, there’ll be a fight fast enough, if any one wants it. Anybody can get a fight out there in the street. There’s a fight just waiting. †The description of the gunslinger shows that the man is serious and eager to kill which might be Jack Potter â€Å"His eyes, rolling, and yet keen for ambush†¦. He walked with the creeping movement of the midnight cat. As it occurred to him, he roared menacing information. †Tension reaches climax at the end where both men collide unexpectedly. This story not only transferred us in time and place to a small Western town, but also painted a clear picture of emotions that even toughest man goes through when they get married (Crane, 2007). Descriptive writing is one of the most creative ways to indulge the reader in literature’s world. Thanks to descriptive writing the authors can stimulate reader’s imagination that will leave an everlasting imprint. The proper usage of words can transfer us in time and location, and also into a different emotion that we might have never experienced. This method brings heart into any work that pumps blood which is so vital at keeping the reader interested and on the edge of their seat. We could see it clearly in story â€Å"The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky†where tension builds up with each page turned and the closer we get to the end the closer we get to a tragedy than somehow never happens. Even in poem â€Å"The Fish†emotions are building up to sympathies readers with the fish although usually we do not associate feeling with fishes. The final literature work â€Å"I Dwell in the Possibility†incorporates a different descriptive writing. It is not guided by usual details that are followed, but single lines that are just as powerful, and are left to roam our mind and take on shapes and forms that only readers can see and feel.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
BRIDGING THEORY AND PRACTICE LEADERSHIP - Assignment Example Due to the importance and relevance of leadership, there are several academic and professional studies that have been conducted on it to make its application and usage very simple and forthcoming. It is not surprising therefore that there are several theories of leadership in the academic world. The question that remains however is the level to which these leadership theories are applied in professional world. The essence of this paper is therefore to examine how the gap between theory and practice leadership can be bridged. This process is undertaken by examining the life of a world renowned leader on how this leader has contributed to society and used various leadership behaviors. The paper concluded with recommendations on how the leader can improve on the type of leadership style practiced. Biography of the leader Mary Nichols is the leader, whose personal and professional is examined as a case study in this paper. Mary Nichols holds a B.A from Cornell University and has J.D from Yale Law School, which earned her one of her earliest careers as a journalist with The Wall Street Journal. She worked as an attorney with specializations in the areas of environmental and health science from 1971 to 1974. As a professional, Mary Nichols takes leadership at the California Air Resources Board (CARB) as the head of the organization. Her current position comes as a result of rising through the ranks in the CARB. This is because under Governor Jerry Brown, Mary served at the CARB from 1975 to 1982 (Tett and Burnett, 2003). She them left her position for other engagements, which were however related to environmental leadership. In 2007, Mary Nichols was back to CARB ahead of Govenor Brown’s recall to the statehouse, and this time she acted for four years. Today, she heads the CARB but before she worked with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, where she was the Assistant Administrator of Air and Radiation, consolidating her experience and depth of k nown as an environmentalist. Generally, the legacy of Mary Nichols at her position remains her accolade as a fierce advocate for the institutionalization of what has been described as cutting edge technology that has not only transformed her state but her nation and the world as a whole (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2001). Specific to her credit are the successful push through with policies that have brought about boosting in fuel economy, the cutting of acid rain and reduction in the impact of greenhouse gases on the environment. Mary has been tagged by international media and environmental advocates as a woman who leads with global standards. Interestingly, Mary Nichols attributes her successes to the cooperation and united spirit she has had from the entire people of California and subordinates who work under her. Into the future with Nichols, California is looking at the reduction of harmful diesel pm through the adoption of California’s diesel truck rules in 2014 by 7 tons a d ay and 3 tons a day in 2023 (Tett and Burnett, 2003). Contributions to society/organization As a third timer at the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and working under three different heads of states, there are several contributions that can be outlined of Mary Nichol in terms of how she has transformed the organization within which she works and society as a whole. As far as her organization is concerned, Mary Nichols will be credited with structural and organizational changes at CARB. Analysts have said that there were clear differences in Mary Nichols from 1975 to 1982 at CARB and the Mary Nichols who is today the head of the same organization. This is because she contributed to a restructuring exercise that
Friday, September 27, 2019
Deficit, Debt and Political Theory of Government Debt Essay
Deficit, Debt and Political Theory of Government Debt - Essay Example Those who support this theory base it on the following two assumptions: 1. A budget constraint for the government does not mean that the government will have a deficit forever. A tax reduction or increase in expenditure that leads to spending being higher than revenues means that the deficit will have to be financed through a future tax increase or decrease. 2. The second assumption assumes that consumers are rational and will not increase consumption due to a debt financed tax cut. Their being rational means that they will reduce their consumption, because they understand the government’s fiscal policies that the increase in government spending finance through debt, will lead to higher taxes in future. The above assumptions imply that lower taxes and higher government expenditure through increased debt will not affect the economy as a whole (Alesina & Guido, 1990). There are those economists who are against the Ricardian equivalence and argue that a budget deficit can be extr emely dangerous for an economy. According to Ricardians, lower taxes today means higher taxes tomorrow. The opponents see the timing of the expected future tax increase to trickle up to a future generation.... More debt for the government leads to a higher budget deficit (Barro, 1974). Budget Deficit and Public Debt Public debt or government debt is the amount a government owes. A government needs money to finance its expenses. It finances through borrowing from the public by issuing treasury bills or bonds and borrowing from corporations, individuals and foreign governments. The public debt is the outstanding amount borrowed in the past but has not yet been repaid. The size of the public debt is determined by the cumulative amount of borrowing that the government has done. Budget deficit is the excess spending the government has incurred over its income. When the total expenses are subtracted from all income and there is a shortfall, this is known as a budget deficit. The government has spent more money than they can earn. When the income is more than the expenditure this is known as a surplus. The link between budget deficit and public debt is that when a government has a budget deficit it has to get money to finance the deficit and it does this by borrowing which leads to accumulation of more debt. The magnitude of the debt is measured by the debt to GDP ratio (Barro, 1979). Foreign investors will be interested in the debt to GDP ratio, as this clearly indicates the financial position of the economy. A foreign investor will invest in a country that can pay its debt and where the economy is growing. Factors determining an Explosive dynamic Debt to GDP Ratio Public debt increases due to excessive borrowing by the government from issuing treasury bills or bonds and borrowing from foreign governments, individuals and state corporations. GDP is the Gross Domestic Product of an economy and it is the total income from individuals, corporations and the government. Debts are
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Present situation analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Present situation analysis - Assignment Example The demand for aged care services is driven by strength of health facilities in a country. It has been evaluated that by the year 2026, demand for aged care services is to go up by 12000 to 20000 citizens (Grant Thorton, 2010). This is triggered by the expected rise in population by 20% between 2006 and 2026 (Grant Thorton, 2010). It has been estimated that population above the age of 65 shall go up to 944000 from 512000, showing a rise of about 84% (Grant Thorton, 2010). Such massive increment in aged population shall require a commensurate rise on the supply side and it is estimated that by 2026, there shall be a requirement of about 78-110% in aged care services in New Zealand (Grant Thorton, 2010). In the present scenario, aged care services generate insufficient revenues to support the projected infrastructure demand. The financial returns have been highly subsidized and there is a huge demand for increasing the existing facilities to build new capacities and replace outdated stock. The paper is aimed at making a comprehensive analysis of the present situation and future scope of the aged care service sector in New Zealand. It makes a service profile analysis, an environmental study and a Budget analysis to present a view of the current situation of aged care division in the country. The future strategies and models of care are devised on the basis of such analysis of dismal situation of older population care in the country. New Zealand is in need of a large scale revolution in the aged care division. The sector was highly unregulated with presence of untrained workforce in the division. The aged population needs a plan for individualised care, instead of the residential care model that had been followed until presently. The demand for residential care has as a result gone down. The aim of aged care in New Zealand is to lower usage of institutionalised care and move forward to expand alternatives in development
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
South Africa Apartheid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
South Africa Apartheid - Essay Example "the doctrine of Marxian socialism" is one "which aims at the establishment of a despotic system of government" and "which aims at bringing about any political, industrial, social, or economic change within the Union by the promotion of disturbance or disorder, by unlawful acts or omissions or by the threat of such acts or omissions or by means which include the promotion of disturbance or disorder, or such acts or omissions or threats."4 Besides outlawing the Communist Party, the Act authorized the outlawing of "any other organization . . . which engaged in activities calculated to further the achievement of any of the objects of Communism."5 The end of 1950s marked a difficult period for the ANC. The South African government stepped up banning and imprisonment to restrict action and protest. In a long, drawn-out trial set up by the government, many Congress leaders were charged with treason. Although the trial ended with acquittals for all who had been charged, it used up many of the resources of the Congress in terms of money and lawyers, and diverted the Congress from its principal mission. Before the massacre, On March 18, Sobukwe called a press conference, announcing that two weeks earlier he had written Lutuli, inviting the ANC to join in the campaign under the banner "service, sacrifice, suffering." 6 On March 20, 1960, Sobukwe announced a national 'anti-pass" campaign to be held on March 21, 1960, in which his followers were to surrender themselves at police stations without passes under the slogan "no bail, no defense, no fines." It was hoped that by insisting on arrest, the defiers would clog the jails, halt industry by their absence as workers, and thus force the government to accede to their demands. The leaders were to be in the... Besides outlawing the Communist Party, the Act authorized the outlawing of "any other organization . . . which engaged in activities calculated to further the achievement of any of the objects of Communism." The end of 1950s marked a difficult period for the ANC. The South African government stepped up banning and imprisonment to restrict action and protest. In a long, drawn-out trial set up by the government, many Congress leaders were charged with treason. Although the trial ended with acquittals for all who had been charged, it used up many of the resources of the Congress in terms of money and lawyers, and diverted the Congress from its principal mission. Before the massacre, On March 18, Sobukwe called a press conference, announcing that two weeks earlier he had written Lutuli, inviting the ANC to join in the campaign under the banner "service, sacrifice, suffering." On March 20, 1960, Sobukwe announced a national ‘anti-pass†campaign to be held on March 21, 1960, in which his followers were to surrender themselves at police stations without passes under the slogan "no bail, no defense, no fines." It was hoped that by insisting on arrest, the defiers would clog the jails, halt industry by their absence as workers, and thus force the government to accede to their demands. The leaders were to be in the forefront, inspiring the masses by their example of sacrifice. The PAC felt that the ANC's leaders had hung back at critical times, when the masses were prepared to forge ahead .
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Ss310 unit 8 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ss310 unit 8 - Research Paper Example hat grew out of the Great Society initiative can most succinctly be concentrated to those dealing with poverty and the level of racial equality within the United States. As such, it is without a doubt that the level of racial equality since Johnson’s time has improved greatly. This of course does not mean that ours is a society without any racial conflict; however, great strides have been made to include the use and application of affirmative and a host of others. With respect to poverty and its representation within the American society, the same cannot be said. If one measures the overall level of poverty that existed during the Johnson administration as compared to the overall level of poverty for each proceeding decade, the trend is saddening. This is due to a host of economic factors and cannot ultimately be attributed to the government’s failure or success in implementation of the Great Society; however, it is indicative of the level of success that such a program has experienced. As such, it is the opinion of this student that taken as an aggregate, the overall success of the Great Society would be a solid C to C-. This is due to the fact that although great strides have been made with regards to racial equality as a function of government programs, directives, and legislation, the level of poverty itself has not shrunk and in many ways has grown to encompass an even larger segment of American society. With regards to the level of faith that this student has with regards to whether Social Security and/or Medicaid will be available during my entire lifetime, the answer to this question is that I have little if any faith that these programs will be there for the entirety of my life. The reason for this is the level of short-sightedness with which successive Congresses and presidents have dealt with this issue. Moreover, as each successive administration promises to ensure that these programs continue to exist well into the future, the fact of the
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Choice of Green Technology Project by Projmanics LTD Assignment
The Choice of Green Technology Project by Projmanics LTD - Assignment Example Finally, it intends to get the views of the management on whether the project will deliver their set objectives. The team conducted a research to find out the needs of the consumers and stakeholders who are the main beneficiary of this project. The methods employed in collecting data from the stakeholders of this project included interviews, focused group discussions, and customer reviews from the website of projmanics (Sproul, Wan, Mandel & Rosenfeld, 2014). This was done to ensure that the needs of the stakeholders were prioritized in coming up with this type of project. The team intended to come up with an idea that was user-centered and not an idea that originates from the management. When users of projmanics were interviewed to give their opinion on the types of products and services they wanted, they were fast to point out innovation. Being concerned about their environment and the prevailing climate change, the citizens of UAE wanted to see the company come up with environmentally friendly products. This was motivated by the recent entry of the country in the list of top tourist destinations in the world. Projmanics, which for a very long time had dealt in the manufacture of various products ranging from electronics to machinery, also had to share in the vision and goals of their consumers (Harris, Barucci, Cano, Fitzsimmons, Fulchignoni, Green & Schà ¤fer, 2013). It is against this backdrop that the team proposed green technology as the next feature to see the growth of the company in the country and also abroad. This was to join the rest of the world and be on the forefront in leading the green technology revolution. The aim of this project is to see the company build another plant responsible for the manufacture of eco-friendly products such as electronics and machinery. These include such things as energy generating equipment like solar panels, wind turbines and other machines that utilize green energy like solar-powered automobiles.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Barriers to Communication Essay Example for Free
Barriers to Communication Essay The communication topic that I have chosen to write about is The Barriers to Communication in the in the workplace. My focus will be on the Apple Organization as well as other organizations that have had communications issues. My interest in this topic stems from the fact that Ive encountered many barriers to effective communication while in the work place. I understand personally how ineffective communication by all levels of an organization can lead to the decrease work morals, productivity etc. I am also interested in this topic in that as a Business Management major I would like to be as affective in my communication with the organization I will join as well as with the individuals that will comprise the company. Based on a research done In July 2011, a Maritz Poll, an annual employee attitude survey conducted by Maritz Research, reported that 25 percent of employees indicated having less trust in their management than they did the previous year. Bad communication breaks down trust. Barriers to communication in the work place can be very detrimental to the sustainability, longevity and success to the organization. There are numerous barriers that effect communication in the work place. According to, these barriers range from nonverbal communication, lack of feedback and cultural differences. These barriers to communication may and can occur at any stage in the communication process. Barriers may lead to your message becoming distorted and you therefore risk wasting both time and/or money by causing confusion and misunderstanding. Effective communication involves overcoming these barriers and conveying a clear and concise message. References Barriers to effective communication. (n.d.). Retrieved from Duggan, T. (n.d.). Communication problems in a business. Retrieved from
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Improve the World Essay Example for Free
Improve the World Essay We all want to make the world a better place, but few of us go beyond this abstract idea to planning for change. Like any goal, it takes thought and determination. You may wonder if you can change the world like the great leaders in history. Remember that these people started out with dreams, just like you, and worked through insecurities, fear and doubt. Although we do live in a world of reformations as economies develop, trade flourishes and as astounding technological advances are made but our world is still far from being perfect. No matter how many advances are made in technologies the world will still need some enhancements. Some recent researches have founded out that the more time rolls by the more this world is getting polluted. A social crisis of unprecedented proportions that the whole planet of ours faces today is environmental pollution. Technology gave man sufficient control over his surroundings; yet by our apparently increasing control over our environment, we have in fact erred and caused the loss of our control over our environment. Due to the global warming and greenhouse gases the world is day by day turning unsafe. We all are living in an insecure environment. Every year thousands of people are killed due to the wars and disputes. Developments in these aspects can improve the world and the lives of the people living in it. If we think of a way how to improve the world and make it a better place to live there can be thousands of things we can do as individuals. As we know that pollution is one of the reasons. We can think of a way to terminate it. Every year thousands of people especially children are influenced by the diseases spreaded in the dirty atmosphere. If we try to reuse, recycle and dispose litter around us the environment can become much cleaner. As far is the wars are concerned we ourselves are behind all the disarray. Following on the values of unity, faith and discipline the world can be a serene place to live in. The modern men can shed his prejudices and baseless notions and eschew war on the realization that all men are brothers. Unless human nature changes, unless there is a change of heart among the leaders of the world as well as the peoples, it is impossible to eliminate the factors that cause war. As far is the development of a man’s nature is concernced in order to make this world a peaceful place education plays an important role in the development of manhood. When literacy rate develops the world itself becomes a better place to live in. According to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus ‘’change is the essence of life. ’’ The world can be made more perfect if change occurs and this change will only occur if the people living in it stay determined and try to achieve their goals in making the mother Earth a better place to live in.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Symbols in Beloved
Symbols in Beloved The degradation imposed upon all slaves, the relationships among enslaved and the changes in their own perception of themselves, the meaning of time and memory and how it influences the future are some of the problems explored by Toni Morrison in her novel Beloved. What really impressed us while reading the book were the various ways she approached her readers. The style combines literary realism with biblical myths, folklore, and pure historical reality with deep symbolism. The role of the symbols is the focus of this paper. Different authors have investigated the symbols in Beloved but still not much is written about some of the symbols that are the object of this research the number 124, the name Sethe and the colours used in the narration. The three symbols will be approached separately despite their common role in the narration. The main task is to familiarise with these symbols, to present some authors remarks about them and to point out the multiple ways to read symbols. A further analysis of their interconnection may come out as a separate work. A symbol, as defined by Merriam-Webster online Dictionary and Thesaurus is something that stands for or suggests something else by reason of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance. Quite often it is a visible sign of something that can not be seen. The word symbol comes from the Greek verb symballein which means to put together and the noun symbolon which means mark, taken or sign. To suit our purposes a more complex explanation of the symbols will be of better use: A symbol has complex, not only literal meaning, but also additional meaning(s) beyond the literal. Sometimes the literal meaning of a symbol is absurd, so that the symbolic meaning over-rides and cancels out the literal meaning. A symbol may have more than one meaning. In fact, the most significant symbols do convey an indefinite range of meanings (Doty 1). But one should not forget that the meaning of a piece of literature depends on the readers freedom to perceive and understand it in a unique way. So weather a symbol is well chosen or not will be judged by the way the reader responds to it. In Beloved Toni Morrison uses a variety of symbols in order to escape from the conventional and at the same time to ensure that the message she wants to convey will reach its audience. Colours, numbers, names, trees and different images all come to help her transfer her ideas to the public. In this work the focus will be on three main symbols used and their role in the narration: number 124, the name Sethe and the colours. Number 124 Having in mind the idea of symbols and their meaning, the first thing that strikes is number 124. It actually is connected to the spot where most of the action takes place the house at 124 Bluestone Road, .a residence where every inhabitant feels secure, surrounded by the community and sometimes suffocated by the too tense atmosphere. But if the reader decides to look further, he will notice that if the separate digits are summed up, 7 is reached. 124 fits this astrological delineation because the sum of the three digitsadd up to aforementioned 7 (Essay on Toni Morrisons Beloved 1). According to the numerology number seven represents creation as well as vitality and mystery which are the key points of the whole novel. It also identifies a positive renewal and stands for the punishment, the purification and the penitence. Another way to interpret the number is that 124 stands for Sethes four children among whom the third one Beloved, is absent (Atousa 6). Perceived in this way the symbol is extremely strong in reminding the reader of the murdered child, its ghostly presence in the life of the family and Sethes great sense of loss. The Name Sethe Even the name of the protagonist Sethe is symbolic. Using it Toni Morrison connects the story of the proud and independent woman who has dedicated all her life to her children with the ancient Egypt, on one hand, and the Holy Bible, on the other. The two ways to read the symbol may be seen as an attempt of the author to reach a wider audience or to show the complexity of the character. The God of chaos, wind and storms Seth- a man with the head of an animal or bird, gives some masculine features to this female slave but at the same time emphasises her chaotic state of mind that leads to breaking down the polarities of right and wrong (Lewis 1). The Biblical Seth the child of Adam and Eve also adds strength and determination to her character and represents her skills to fight and overcome difficulties. Yet, as a typical representative of the enslaved, she has spent all of her efforts not trying to avoid pain but to get through it as quickly as possible. The Colours Colours take significant place in the setting, describing the way people feel or conveying hope for a brighter future. They are symbols of life which Sethe does not take for granted. Trying to find the vitality in the moment, she follows her inner self. Black and white represents the obvious contradiction between the world of people whose skin is white and those with black one. White is usually accepted as a symbol of innocence, life, light, purity, or enlightenment, while black is seen as a cold and negative colour suggesting passivity, death, ignorance, or evil. In Beloved one can speak of colour-consciousness presented as a part of a relationship that has affected the lives of many. Baby Suggs, Sethes mother-in-law, says Those white things have taken all I had or dreamed. . . and broke my heartstrings too. There is no bad luck in the world but whitefolks(89). Her words describe the bitterness and destruction crying deep in her heart. Another symbol coming from the red part of the spectrum could be seen over and over again throughout Beloved. Red symbolizes action, courage, vitality. For Amy Denver, the red velvet signifies her ambitions for a calm and peaceful life, while the red heart of Paul D stands for his emotions. Life and death, presence and absence go together in the novel and their influence could be felt at each stage. The red roses which line the road to the carnival herald its arrival in town but also mark the beginning of new life for Sethe, Denver, and Paul D, their expectations. These roses at the same time are to remind the death. Red is all that Morrison need say, for she shows us what it means to know color as a matter of life and death (Morey 1040) There are many different artistic devices used in literature. Toni Morrison has applied a variety of techniques but certainly a strong point in her style in Beloved is the usage of a vast number symbols conveying often mixed messages. 124 when summed up makes seven which symbolises creation and vitality but seen as a sequence is the sign of something lost forever. Sethe is both the name of the child of Adam and Eve, strong in coping with difficulties and the name of the God of chaos and storm, restless in his pursuit of good and bad. Black and white, dark and light, the colours that are commonly associated with the slaves and their enslavers and red the colour of love and yet sometimes smelling of death. The symbolic dimension of Toni Morrisons novel goes together with the development of the narrative and sometimes even takes over. It is a powerful means to present the plurality of races, genders, classes, and ethnicities in America at that time. Karen Bernardo says that just as characterization and dialogue and plot work on the surface to move the story along, symbolism works under the surface to tie the storys external action to the theme(Bernardo 1). That external action in our opinion is often more influential than the surface one as symbols convey deep messages that are transferred sometimes even without the conscious knowledge of the reader. The only requirement is to read with open senses.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Cyrus Hall McCormick :: Biography Biographies
Cyrus Hall McCormick The mechanical reaper. A time-saving invention which allowed farmers to more than double their crop size while at the same time spurring other innovations in farm machinery. This reaper, which combined all the steps that earlier harvesting machines had performed separately, was the brilliant innovation of a man, a man named Cyrus Hall McCormick. Born in Rockbridge County, Virginia, Cyrus was son to a man who's imagination also boggled with new inventions. As a child, Cyrus experimented with different tools in hopes of inventing something which would simplify his father's job. Finally, in 1831, he built his first reaper. Succeeding where his father had failed, Cyrus made some adjustments to his machine before patenting his invention in 1834. At around the same time (1833), a man by the name of Obed Hussey announced a the construction of a reaper of his own. The year was 1840, and by this time, McCormick had started to manufacture his creation and sold it for the first time in Virginia. The reaper's marketing did very well, and it's sales had expanded to other parts of the United States by 1844. Because of it's efficiency, the horse-drawn reaper allowed farmers to harvest five times the regular 2 acre per day amount that skilled workers used to harvest. In 1847, the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company was moved to Chicago. Location, ease of distribution, and reputation were all factors which convinced McCormick that Chicago was the place for him. "Centrally located in the Midwest, he used the Great Lakes to transport reapers to the East, and the Mississippi River to transport to the South."* What more, as industries grew in the Windy City, Chicago soon turned into a major railroad central in the 1850's. This added to the distribution potential which McCormick needed to ship his reapers out to other parts of the US. The company's success thrived under the name McCormick Harvesting Machine Company until McCormick's death in 1884. By this time, McCormick's company had grown to become one of greatest industrial establishments in the United States. Chicago newspapers were bragging about his success and other companies awed at the pace of development. Shortly after his death, the company had a "face-lift." It's name changed to the International Harvester, and sales slowed down from it's initial boom. In 1907, the company produced the Auto Buggy. With this machine, farmers were able to haul their goods to the markets.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Walt Whitmans Song of Myself Essay -- Song of Myself Essays
Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" Walt Whitman's 'Song of Myself' is, on the most basic descriptive level, a really long poem. Whitman is clearly a poet with a lot to say, or at least with a lot of different ways to say it. He meanders from the micro to the macro, from atoms to the whole earth. There are obviously myriad ways to explain what the poem is about, and myriad 'keys' to its true meaning. In what became Section 6 of the final edition (lines 90-121 of the 1855 edition ) Whitman himself addresses this sort of 'meta-question' of interpretation. By doing so in one of the quieter, more straightforward sections of the poem, Whitman invites us to use the section as one such 'key.' In Section 6, Whitman lays out a (possible) microcosm of 'Song of Myself' and gives a very kind prompt that here is a place where befuddled readers can ease their way into the poem. Whitman signals from the beginning of this passage that it is more accessible than most of his others. The first line tells us simply of a question asked by a child: ?A child said, What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands?? (90). In contrast to some of the earlier lines--the challenge of line 22 (?Have you reckoned a thousand acres much? Have you reckoned the earth much??) or the confusion of lines 30-31 (?I have heard what the talkers were talking?.the talk of the beginning and the end,/but I do not talk of the beginning and the end?.?) --this information is easy to process. We are likely to pause and enjoy the refreshing image of an inquisitive child, hands full of grass. Although Whitman goes on to catalogue all kinds of similar brief, simple sketches, for the moment we only have to deal with one. This single child is a messenge... ... (as determined by the 1891-1892 edition). Whitman?s answer to the question he posed to us earlier is now just what we might expect. ?They are alive and well somewhere;/The smallest sprout shows there is really no death? he tells us (116). This seems almost to say ?Good job?you followed my clues correctly, you too can read poetry.? By setting this section up, Whitman gives us one of his main themes that we can proceed to follow through this poem. At the same time, he shows us that one poem can be about many different ideas, and so cautions us against being too adamant about our newly discovered lens. His multitude of ?uttering tongues? can be confusing, but he does not leave us stranded?he gives us a map that shows one way to navigate this poem, and also the freedom to discover others at will. Works Cited: Whitman, Walt. "Song of Myself." 14 Nov 2006 .
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Physics of a Light Bulb
Physics of a Light Bulb Catherine Bellet Lab Partners: Natalie Russell Alex Harris TA: Chad Lunceford PHY 114 TH @ 2:25pm Abstract: Ohm’s law states, via the equation V=I*R, that the voltage found across a piece of material is proportional to the current. If the temperature remains constant therefore the resistance is found to remain constant. Stefan-Boltzmann law states that when the temperature if above an average of 1000K, then the relationship of voltage and current should be found to be consistent with the formula AT4.The experimental data found in this, Physics of a Light Bulb, experiment both correlates and verifies the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The voltage and current were found to be proportional to one another, verifying Ohm’s law. In addition, the fact that radiation away from the light bulb is indeed proportional to the fourth power of temperature was observed and again verified through a linear fit graph. The percent error found between the two experimental B v alues was found to be an average 6%. This showing proving that the experiment was decently accurate.Objective: To measure the relation between voltage and current in a small flashlight bulb; to determine the temperature of the filament; to verify the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation. Procedure: Begin the experiment by correctly setting up the circuit. Using the DMM set, find the resistance of the cold filament of the bulb at room temperature. Open a pre-set experiment file, than connect the circuit to the bulb. Slowly increase the output signal from the power supply, as the voltage reaches 10V, immediately bring the power supply back down to zero.There should be an observed recorded data and graph in the experimental file. From the recording, highlight the resistance of the cold filament from the data which corresponds to the current ? 0. 08A. Apply a linear fit which in return will give the slope, which represents the bulb resistance. Copy and paste the recorded data into Graphica l Analysis, insert various calculated columns, in order to find the temperature of the hot filament and to test the relationship versus power and temperature. Repeat for a second set of data.Use the graphs to conclude if the Stefan-Boltzmann law is obeyed. Experimental Data: See attached graphs. Results: Resistance of Cold Filament| Experimental Bulb Resistance| % Difference| B1 from Graph1(W/K)| B2 from Graph2(W/K)| % Difference| Theoretical B (W/K)| % Error of B1| % Error of B2| 2. 5? | 2. 46? | 1. 61%| 4. 26| 3. 76| 12. 5%| 4| 6. 19%| 6. 33%| Data Analysis: Discussion: The objective of the lab, Physics of a Light Bulb, was to measure the relationship between voltage and current in a small light bulb, be able to determine the temperature of the filament. nd to verify the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation. After completing the lab, the relationship between both the voltage and current was found to be linear, as long as the current is below or at 0. 08 A. This correlation proves Ohm ’s law therefore current through a metal conductor is proportional to the applied voltage. Through measurement and observations of the printed graphs, the temperature of the filament of the light bulb was found to be around the value of 1300K.Using the data supplied from the new calculated columns, the verification of the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation was proved to hold true. The law states that when the temperature is above an average value of 1000K, then the relationship between voltage and current is consistent with the formula AT4. When analyzing the curve fit of the power versus temperature graph, it is indeed observed that the experimental value given corresponds with the theoretical function that the power radiated away from the light bulb is surely proportional to the fourth power of temperature.The percent error observed for both experimental B values, when compared to the theoretical value of 4, shows to be an average of 6%, not a large value of error present. T herefore, the overall system present in the experiment proved to be both precise and accurate. Considering the percent difference between the two experimental resistors was found to be a mere 1. 61%. The percent difference between the two experimental B values was that of a higher value, 12. 5%.This may indeed have been caused by the fact that the sectioning of data for the second B value was less accurate than that of the first B value. Conclusion: At the conclusion of the experiment, Physics of a Light Bulb, the objective was surely met. The goal was to distinguish the relationship between voltage and current, as well as finding the temperature of the filament, and also to verify the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation. Through experimental values, it was observed that the relationship of voltage and current is found to be linear when the current is at or below 0. 8A. The temperature of the filament was also observed to be an average of about 1300K and greater. By taking the values of the Power versus Temperature graph, and creating a new Power versus Temperature raised to the fourth graph and thus applying a linear fit, the relationship of voltage and current was found to be consistent with AT4 and verifying Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation. Current is indeed proportional to the applied voltage.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Leadership Style Paper Essay
Leaders create structure in the company and provide information to managers properly to guide them. Leaders have the responsibility of completing research to guide the company’s path properly into profits and better run the company. Leaders have a vision, and they develop plans for that vision. According to Sullivan and Decker, a leader influences others to accomplish the vision. A leader develops the ability to do backward planning. Leaders are managers, but managers are not necessarily leaders. Effective leaders know and understand their organization and continue to ask how we can do things better (Sullivan & Decker, 2009). Leadership styles set direction for their team. It is known how to identify one natural style of leading, knowing the needs and maturity of the team and knowing the ministry situation. The topics addressed in this paper, will be: who the writer see as having a successful leadership style? Why is this person, considered a successful leader? What management and leadership theories does this person use? How does leadership style compare with the writer and a successful leader identified? What traits does the successful leader have that the writer may need to develop? What strengths does the writer have that the example leader can benefit? In addition, the writer will address the self-management assessment. Successful leadership style Angelina Jolie is a 39-year-old actress, director/producer, wife, mother and humanitarian. She may be one of the biggest paychecks in Hollywood, California. She still finds time to be the voice of the people. She joined forces with the United Nations refugee agency in 2001 as a goodwill ambassador. Jolie has missions in countries such as Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan. Jolie vision is to end the plague of rape in war-torn regions. Ms. Jolie is able to influence governments and move public opinion at the same time; she chooses to use her global influence to highlight neglected human right (â€Å"Fortune Ranks the World’s 50 Greatest Leaders,†2014) Management and leadership theories When comparing the leadership style of Angelina Jolie, both the writer and Ms. Jolie have organized leadership qualities. The writer can be autocratic, charismatic, bureaucratic, and democratic. Autocratic comes involved when depended on thoughts and reactions without someone else’s supervision, whereas, using personality and charm as a charismatic leader to get people to do the task without using force, and bureaucratic shows when needed to rely on the guidelines and rules in certain times such as safety prevention. However, democratic should be a part of everyone’s style, especially if he or she is working with other team members. Traits to develop from a successful leadership The traits learn from Angelina Jolie to become a successful leader is: †¢ Do not take things for granted †¢ Be a visionary leader and act on one’s dreams and move toward them †¢ Be courageous and bring ideas into public awareness †¢ Be fond of talking to a larger group of people †¢ Being fluid of speech and thought †¢ Be more of an optimistic †¢ Have high energy Strengths the writer has from which Angelina Jolie could benefit from will be supportive leadership focus on the needs of the person displaying concern for the well-being and creates a friendly environment (Sullivan & Decker, 2009). The ability that the writer has is to listen, willingness to learn, thoroughness when performing tasks and commitment. Being loyal and thorough shows the leader is committed and can complete tasks without constant supervision. Conclusion Leadership style is the way and method of giving direction, motivating people and executing a plan. Individuals use a mixture style of his or her values, beliefs, and likings in addition to the structural culture and norms, which will inspire certain styles and disappoint others. This paper has addressed Angelina Jolie’s leadership style and why she is a leader. It compared her leadership styles to the writer along with identifying any traits that the writer has learned from her success. Strength and influence, in which may be beneficial to her success as a leader. Nevertheless, Angelina Jolie has visions, and her visions make things happen. She is one of the most influential women in the world. Based on the leadership and the team self-management assessment the reader got a score of 77. References Fortune Ranks the World’s 50 Greatest Leaders. (2014, March). Fortune Magazine. Retrieved from Sullivan, E.J., & Decker, P.J. (2005). Effective leadership and management in nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Describe Functions of Management
Bachelor of Science HIV/AIDS Management and Community Development Student Name Runganga Fanuel Pharquior Assignment: Describe functions of management citing examples Management is the organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives. Management is often included as a factor of production along with machines, materials, and money. According to the management guru Peter Drucker (1909-2005), the basic tasks of management include both marketing and innovation.Practice of modern management originates from the 16th century study of low-efficiency and failures of certain enterprises, conducted by the English statesman Sir Thomas More (1478-1535). Management consists of the interlocking functions of creating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization's resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy According to Peter Drucker management can be described as the organization and coordinat ion of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in achievement of clearly defined objectives.Management is often included as a factor of production along with machines, materials and money. Peter Drucker (1909–2005)†Management is a multi-purpose organ that manages business and manages managers and manages workers and work. Mary Parker Follet, simply states that â€Å"Management is the art of getting things done through people. †Many scholars who have studied management have come up with different definitions of management and its functions and some like Luther Gullick have come up with a list functions of management that include planning, organizing, directing, staffing, co-coordinating, reporting abbreviated (PODSCORB).However most scholars notably Koontz and O’Donnel are agreeable that the most important functions of management can be trimmed to only five namely planning, organizing staffing, directing and controlling. Pla nning involves mapping out exactly how to achieve a particular goal. It gives direction to the organization and enables managers to determine strategies to achieve organizational goals. Say, for example, that the organization's goal is to improve company sales. The manager first needs to decide which steps are necessary to accomplish that goal. These steps may include increasing advertising, inventory, and sales staff.These necessary steps are developed into a plan. When the plan is in place, the manager can follow it to accomplish the goal of improving company sales. Planning can be short term or long term, and ensures proper utilization of human and non-human resources thus helps in minimizing confusion ,risks, wastages and uncertainties. Planning is important in forecasting and catering for unforeseen adverse events by putting contingency measures in place. For example hospital managers may have an emergency plan in place to handle things like disease outbreaks or accidents.Henri Fayol argues that to organize a business is to provide it with all the necessary resources for it to function fully. Organizing is the process of bringing together physical financial and human resources in order to achieve organizational goals. After a plan is in place, a manager needs to organize a team and materials according to the plan. Assigning work and granting authority are two important elements of organizing. The organization process involves identification of what is supposed to be done, classification of activities, assigning of duties, and delegation of responsibility and authority.An example can be of a farm manager who is faced with a planting season with a group of workers and many fields and crops to plant. He has to quantify the amount of work to be accomplished over a given period thus organizes his staff into small groups each with a foreman responsible for tillage, planting, irrigation etc. He should go on to come up with a time frame when he expects the tasks to be performed and ensure that all the resources required that include seed, fertilizers etc are in place for the task to be accomplished in time. Staffing is concerned with keeping adequate staff levels to keep the organization well manned all the time.This involves having the right person for the right job and the main purpose is selecting the properly qualified person for the job. It might also involve staff development by organizing on job training or training and retraining of staff to meet the dynamic demands of the organization. After a manager discerns his area's needs, he may decide to beef up his staffing by recruiting, selecting, training, and developing employees. A manager in a large organization often works with the company's human resources department to accomplish this goal.An organization might acquire new machinery and realize that they need new members of staff to operate the machine or an organization may soon realize that their enterprise is growing and need mo re staff to man its new branches. Directing deals mainly with setting in motion the action of people in an organization and is involved with supervising, motivating, leading, and communicating the goals of the organization to the workers. Directing involves supervising how work is done and ensuring staff is motivated enough to accomplish the organizational goals by offering incentives to ensure workers have a zeal for work.Managers might discover that in order to accomplish a task in time there is need to work long hour and may find it fit to provide food on site and also introduce incentives for the workers prepared to work overtime. After the other elements are in place, a manager's job is not finished. He needs to continuously check results against goals and take any corrective actions necessary to make sure that his area's plans remain on track. Directing consists of a process or technique by which instruction can be issued and operations can be carried out and goals achieved as originally planned.Controlling implies ensuring that everything is in conformity with set standards to achieve organizational goals. It involves measuring the accomplished against the set standards. According to Koontz and O’Donnell controlling is the measurement and correction of performance activities of subordinates in order to make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans are accomplished. The process is concerned with establishment of standard performance, measurement of actual performance, comparison of actual with the set standards and isolating deviations if any and finally corrective action.The success of any organization big or small hinges on the quality of its managers and more often than not enterprises run by poorly equipped mangers in terms of knowledge depth usually operate poorly and eventually collapse whilst those run by astute mangers flourish and prosper. References 1. Harold Koontz and Cyril O’Donnel, Essentials of Management (1976) 2. Henri Fayol, (1841-1925), Principles of Management 3. Luther Gullick (1937), Science of Administration 4. Mary Parker Follet (1900-20) Classic School of Management 5. Peter Drucker (1909-2005), The Principles of Management 6. Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) Oregon State University
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ethical Self-Assessment
Healthcare professionals are faced with making multi-faceted decisions on a daily basis. These decisions are not just limited to clinical matters, but they include the total patient care experience. Because of emerging healthcare trends and complex health law and ethics, it is imperative that healthcare administrators have a professional organization that they can belong to. â€Å"The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) is an international professional society of more than 35,000 healthcare executives who lead hospitals, healthcare systems and other healthcare organizations.ACHE is known for its prestigious FACHE ® credential, signifying board certification in healthcare management, and its educational programs including the annual Congress on Healthcare Leadership†(American College of Healthcare Executives, n. d. ). The Ethics Self–Assessment Tool and Individual Decision Making The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) provides an ethics self -assessment which is made up of thought-provoking questions to serve as a moral compass using the ACHE Code of Ethics as its basis.No matter what your role in the healthcare system, the self-assessment provides a standard for various healthcare relationships including, â€Å"Community, Board, Colleagues, Staff, Clinicians, Buyers, Payors and Suppliers. †(American College of Healthcare Executives, n. d. ). Any questions that were not answered with â€Å"always,†identified an area of weakness in which ethics were being compromised. The first lesson learned is that there are numerous situations where healthcare professionals may believe they are being ethical, but the assessment provides examples that some decisions being made are unethical.This gap away from being completely ethical occurs because professional decisions are often influenced by individual ethics. Identifying these gaps allow healthcare administrators to make necessary steps to improve the method in whic h they make decisions. Another lesson learned is the importance of having a tool to compare your organization’s level of ethics to the code of ethics. Paying special attention to minimize outside influences, will allow you to make complex ethical decisions at all times which will promote consistency throughout all team members and the organization.The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), has a strong impact on ethical decision making because they focus on the â€Å"entire being†of the healthcare professional. For example, in ACHE’s preamble of The Code of Ethics it states, â€Å"In fulfilling their commitments and obligations to patients or others served, healthcare executives function as moral advocates and models. †Imagine, when a healthcare administrator recites these few words, he cannot help but acknowledge the depth of his commitment and the high level of morality that is expected from him.Because of the vast number of complex ethical dilemmas that arise, ACHE further promotes the value and importance of strong ethical decision making in ACHE’s Ethics Toolkit. â€Å"When the ethical guidelines are not enough, when there is uncertainty about the proper ethical approach, and when there is a need to develop additional ethical guidelines. ACHE’s Ethics Toolkit provides tools for developing both parts of an ethical culture. †(American College of Healthcare Executives, n. d. ).Influence of Individual Ethics on Decision Making. When it comes to the modern decisions in today’s healthcare system, it is important to be able to identify problems and opportunities and choose the best course of action for the greater good. A strong ethical background helps individuals make the right decision although it may be unpopular. â€Å"Aristotle (Summers, 2009) also teaches about morality when explains how to apply ethics to daily living. Through the idea of practical wisdom and eudemonia, he makes us aw are of the need to apply ethics and behave in a moral way.We develop our moral character so that we use our knowledge of ethics to address challenging new situations. Ethical principles become the center of our lives and we apply them as virtue-centered administrators. †Strategies to Improve Decision Making in the Future The opportunities that being a member of The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) has afforded healthcare professionals, is one that is here to stay. Healthcare administration is a profession that continually evolves with time. Because of the advances in medicine, people are living longer and have a better quality of life.The current self-assessment tools are quickly improving and making it easier for healthcare professionals to obtain the data needed to make prompt ethical decisions. It is important to remember that as a healthcare professional, one must present all of the facts to a patient and preserve his right of autonomy. It is within the co de of ethics that healthcare professionals are not to impose their will on someone else. Remember, to carry out â€Å"the four ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. â€
Friday, September 13, 2019
A Report on the Improvement of My Speech as a Public Speaker Through Self-Assessment
A Report on the Improvement of My Speech as a Public Speaker Through Self-Assessment Informative Briefing Self-Assessment Essay In choosing my topic, I wanted to talk about something that I was passionate about alongside something that just about everyone would be interested in knowing more about. With the history of Pokemon video games and their initial popularity based on the statistics, I wanted to make sure people who did not know much about the franchise were well informed and those that knew a lot about the franchise were able to stay interested in something they could relate to not only as a child but as a young adult. After watching my Panopto video, I was very satisfied with my presentation. I also was able to notice specific places and aspects were I can improve to present an even greater speech the next time around. Following my first speech, I plan to give a better speech by speaking more slowly and engaging the audience more efficiently. To start off, I will first go over the strengths included in the feedback from my peers. Many of my peers were pleased with my execution of the speech, through the projection of my voice, my natural body movements, eye contact, and overall evidence of passion in the subject. I also received positive feedback about the overall organization of my speech, mainly based on the use of visuals and bullets on the slides as I spoke. The feedback tied in with the Panopto recording, as I could see how clearly I spoke, how organized my presentation was, and how naturally relaxed I was. I was very satisfied with these general aspects of my speech that the audience not only enjoyed, but was able to keep up with. Alongside the positive feedback, there are some fields that I would like to and need to improve in. Feedback on improvements included more eye contact at times, needing to let the questions sink in/letting the audience answer, and overall slowing down in order to have some members keep up with my speech. Overall, I generally agree with the improvements needed. There were times where I would look down at my notes longer than I should, such as when I would talk about the statistics or go over an extended aspect of history. When asking my questions to engage the audience such as in the introduction, I never did pause to let the questions sink in or to have some peers answer the questions; that aspect is specifically what I need to work on. The pace of my speech is really fast; based on some of the feedback, some peers were unable to keep up with my topic, especially when I would reference to the statistics aspect of my speech. I know that one of the reasons for my fast-paced speech was the time limit, but for future speeches I could possibly use less information to be able to speak at a reasonable speed and still stay within the directed time limit. In general, the informative briefing speech has helped me be more aware of my strengths and weaknesses as a public speaker. Receiving feedback from peers that have to do the same informative briefings gives me a different perspective as opposed to just a teacher giving me feedback. Watching my speech on Panopto gave me a personal insight on what I need to improve on alongside my individual strengths as a public speaker. Before my next speech, I plan to pace myself alongside keeping up with how long my speech is. I will also focus on memorizing certain subjects in my topics so I won’t have to rely too much on my notecards. Engaging the audience more efficiently is something else I will focus on for my next speech. These techniques will fortify the aspects I already excel on as a public speaker, and will initially improve my speeches and presentations.
U.S. Health care System vs. Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
U.S. Health care System vs. Canada - Essay Example In both countries, the process of health care development was neither linear nor smooth (Boychuk, 2005; Cunningham, 2003). The two neighboring countries, Canada and the United States have created health care systems that are very distinct. Kovner, Knickman and Jonas (2008) write that the system of health care delivery in the U.S. works along two different lines: one which helps to keep people healthy and another one comprising activities directed at dealing with health issues, once they occur. In its current state, the system of care delivery in American health care is characterized by (1) the growing role of institutions and medical professionals, (2) dramatic advances in medical technologies and electronic communications, (3) the existing tensions between big business and caring for patients, and (4) dysfunctional payment and financing. The latter, according to Kovner et al (2008) means that the U.S. system of health care is extremely expensive to maintain, and that insurance makes the system of payments to hospitals physicians extremely complex. The financing mix of U.S. health care looks as follows: 28% in direct taxes, 7.4% in indirect taxes, 35.5% in general taxes, 13.3% in social insurance, with private insurance and direct payments making up the rest (Wagstaff & Doorslaer, 1998). Unlike the United States, Canada gives its clinicians unprecedented autonomy in where they want to work and what set of medical services they are willing to deliver (Deber, 2003). A single-payer system, Canadian health care has been particularly successful in reducing its administrative costs (Woolhandler, Campbell & Himmelstein, 2003). Where the United States health care operates as a combination of public and private insurance options (Jensen et al, care. Recent advances in the Canadian system of health care can teach the United States a good lesson of economy and efficiency at a national scale. The current state of literature provides abundant information about health care progress in the United States. According to Cunningham (2003), the history of U.S. health care dates back to the end of the 19th century, when acute infections, the lack of medical technologies and social organization urged the creation of a national system of health care. The U.S. health care emerged in response to broad health challenges in 19th century America. By contrast, the evolution of the health care system in Canada was a logical process initiated by the earliest policy developments and propositions in Saskatchewan (Boychuk, 2005). In both countries, the process of health care development was neither linear nor smooth (Boychuk, 2005; Cunningham, 2003). The two neighboring countries, Canada and the United States have created health care systems that are very distinct. The American and Canadian systems of health care are equally different and alike. Advanced and sophisticated, both systems rely on the principles of efficiency and quality care. However, in distinction from the U.S., Canada pursues a rigid distinction between private and public health care.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Miss Lonelyheart and the Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Miss Lonelyheart and the Depression - Essay Example West illustrated such aspects of life evolved during the depression era in his novel Miss Lonelyhearts. The novel is of relevance today as the global economy showing a sign of depression, which may in turn lead to the great depression II.Even though the events and circumstances described in the novel are from a period of a century ago, the theme of the novel has relevance in this modern age. â€Å"Miss Lonelyhearts†the son of an England priest, is involved in giving advice for reader’s distressing letters.These hurting stories which he receives are depressing and eventually he also becomes depressed by reading the painful letters. He started heavy drinking and occasional bar fights.William Shrike, editor of the New York newspaper where Miss Lonelyhearts works, uses the column to boost up the circulation. The characters of this novel do not possess moral qualities, or they do not have any strong spirituality, which may be the result of depression era. They are not reall y concerned about social values (Martin, 1970). For example, Miss Lonelyhearts was not sincere as a columnist. At the beginning Miss Lonelyhearts started as a columnist in a style existing at that time with a superficial way of analysing and solving problems of individuals in society. In the society of that time where people suffered from financial and economic problems, actual religious and spiritual values did not affect them. When Miss Lonelyhearts received hundreds of letters from people of all walks of life describing their individual problems of many types he became astounded on going through the actual life problems. The letters contained plights of diverse people. For example, the novel describes a letter by a 16 year old girl who was born without a nose. Her life was pathetic because her parents felt guilty and shamed of their daughter, and this girl wanted Miss Lonelyhearts to tell her if she should commit suicide. When Miss Lonelyhearts understands the problem, he gets a sense of shock, which is a clear contrast to the attitude that the editor William Shilke shows. This contrast is very true of the media in the modern world. Over the years, media has become insensitive and focuses more on getting the sensational news out just to get more publicity and increase their profit. Just like Shilke, many media houses put immense pressure on the journalists to compromise on their ethics and values, just to get more attention from the public. This results in a breakdown at some point, just that Miss Lonelyhearts faced in the novel. Therefore, the approach of the editor to exploit the current situation is very similar to the way in which media sensationalizes the news in today’s era. In addition, in today’s society, depression is often taken out by certain methods that are not moralistic, such as getting involved in extra marital affairs or taking refuge in drugs. For Miss Lonelyhearts, he chose to overcome this depression by indulging in an extr a marital affair with one of his readers and with the wife of the editor. Only a very drastic situation, such as an encounter with the crippled husband of Mrs Doyle can bring out repentance in Miss Lonelyhearts. In real life too, only a very tragic instance gets the people to come out and remorse as most people do not understand their mistake unless the situation is very grave. Even though this work is a piece of fiction, it is very reflective of the current situa
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Clinical Nurtiution health Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Clinical Nurtiution health - Case Study Example Interactions with other health care professionals and strategies to tackle malnutrition will be discussed. Dietary assessment has become an integral part of clinical evaluation and nursing assessment. Good nutrition is not only important for preventing disease, but also for comprehensive management of a patient. Dietary assessment includes 24 hour recall of food intake, including the type and quantity, calories analysis, estimation of protein, fat and other important nutrients like vitamins and minerals and comparing with standard references for respective age, sex and physiological condition like pregnancy, lactation and adolescence. One day’s 24 hour recall of food may not be the best guide for nutrition assessment of a particular patient. However, it keeps matter simple for calorie calculation. From what we can see from Anitas’s 24 hour food recall, the total calorie intake is about 1000 kcal, shortcoming of her requirement. Based on the age, sex, height, weight and lifestyle, the calorie requirement of Anitha is 1581 kcal per day. Her basal metabolic rate based on Harris-Benedict formula is 1318 kcal per day. The protein intake is about 20 grams when she needs about 45 grams (ICMR, 2010). Total fat is about 10% and mainly constituting saturated fat. Dietary fiber is only about 10% (when it should be 30%). Except for some iron and calcium in the breakfast and some vitamins in the snacks, her diet is poor in vitamins and minerals. The diet does not contain fresh fruits or vegetables or starchy staple foods. Nor does the diet contain adequate milk. Malnutrition occurs when an individuals diet fails to provide nutrition that is required for growth, health and normal body function. Malnutrition can affect any system in the body. The most significant symptoms of malnutrition are fatigue, weight loss and dizziness. Anitha lost 6 kgs
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Masters Level - Project Management in Construction Essay
Masters Level - Project Management in Construction - Essay Example However, these ideas remained a distant reality given the technological challenges posed by such a project. Nonetheless speculation thrived on the issue especially throughout the sixties and the seventies. It became clear that the only viable method of bridging up Great Britain to mainland Europe was a tunnel under the sea. The idea seemed simple at first. The project required the boring of three distinct tunnels from one side of the English Channel to the other. Tunnelling or more specifically boring had been carried out extensively even before the Channel Tunnel project so technical expertise was available on the issue. One thing that was noticeable about the Channel Tunnel project upfront was the fact that boring had never been taken up on such a massive scale before this project. While the Channel Tunnel project can be seen as a major achievement in terms of technical progress, by any other measure, it has been seen as a pure project management failure. There is little doubt in anyone’s mind that the Channel Tunnel project was less than a Pyrrhic victory. The initial costing for the project was estimated at some  £3.5 billion but the eventual execution cost the project team some  £9 billion. There was little change in the overall scope of the project but there were myriad changes in the details of the project scope. It was decided initially that the Channel Tunnel would consist of a 32 mile (51.5 kilometres) tunnel under the sea to serve two railway links separately. These two main railway tracks under the sea would be supported by a smaller tunnel in the middle of these tunnels to service shuttle trains carrying vehicles. Once construction commenced, it became apparent that air conditioning was more of a necessity than an auxiliary for the projec t. One of the more troubling aspects of the Channel Tunnel project was the involvement of the governmental machinery
Monday, September 9, 2019
Organisational Development Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Organisational Development Process - Essay Example This model is a tool that can help any organization, regardless of its size, to move toward organizational excellence. The model can help you align resources; improve communication, productivity and effectiveness; and achieve strategic goals. For organization development process a model is essential, for analyzing and managing organizational problems. The model is relatively simple to understand and easy to visualize. A depiction of the mode identifies both driving forces and restraining forces within an organization. These driving forces, such as environmental factors, push for change within the organization while the restraining forces, such as organizational factors (e.g., limited resources or poor morale), act as barriers to change. To understand the problem within the organization, the driving forces and restraining forces are first identified and, hence, defined. Goals and strategies for moving the equilibrium of the organization toward the desired direction can then be planned. The model relies upon the change process, with the social implications built into the model (e.g., disequilibrium is expected to occur until equilibrium is reestablished). The general goal of this model is to intentionally move to a desirable state of equilibrium by adding driving forces, where important, and eliminating restraining forces, where appropriate. ... To understand the problem within the organization, the driving forces and restraining forces are first identified and, hence, defined. Goals and strategies for moving the equilibrium of the organization toward the desired direction can then be planned. The model relies upon the change process, with the social implications built into the model (e.g., disequilibrium is expected to occur until equilibrium is reestablished). The general goal of this model is to intentionally move to a desirable state of equilibrium by adding driving forces, where important, and eliminating restraining forces, where appropriate. These changes are thought to occur simultaneously within the dynamic organization. Chapter 01 "Introduction" Weisbord's Six-Box Model: Weisbord's (1976) proposes six broad categories in his model of organizational life, including purposes, structures, relationships, leadership, rewards, and helpful mechanisms. The purposes of an organization are the organization's mission and goals Weisbord refers to structure as the way in which the organization is organized; this may be by function, where specialists work together or by product, program, or project, where multi-skilled teams work together. The ways in which people and units interact is termed relationships. Also included in the box of relationships is the way in which people interact with technology in their work. Rewards are the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards people associate with their work. The leadership box refers to typical leadership tasks, including the balance between the other boxes. Finally, the helping
Sunday, September 8, 2019
International and strategic marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
International and strategic marketing - Essay Example This paper describes the rise of the recorded-music industry, the emergence of disruptive technologies and the effect of this disruption on the marketing strategies of today’s recording industry companies. The marketing strategies are discussed in perspective of the 7Ps of marketing. 3Ps are identified and analysed as potential channels for implementing marketing strategies that could mitigate the threat to recording industry’s digital music sales posed by free and illegal peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing websites. Table of Contents Executive summary 1 Table of Contents 2 2.0.Marketing strategies in the Music Industry 6 2.1.Product 7 2.2.Price 8 2.3.Place 8 2.4.Promotion 8 2.5.People 9 2.6.Process 10 2.7.Physical evidence 10 2.8.Section summary 10 3.0.Topics impacting the industry 11 3.1.Changing process using partners and intermediaries 11 3.2.Promoting legitimate digital music using merchandise and concert business 13 3.3.Repackaging physical evidence 14 4.0.Conclusion 15 References 16 1.0. Introduction According to the British Recorded Music Industry, the music industry can be broadly categorised into four sectors: song writing and publishing, recording, live music and artist management (BPI 2012). In all these sectors there are many different organisations and individuals performing different roles and earning their living. Currently the large share of the industry’s value is generated and controlled by the recorded music and live music sectors. The recorded sector is dominated by four major corporate labels that comprise of several smaller companies that focus on different regions and markets. These four conglomerates are: Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, EMI Music and Warner Music Group (The Economist 2008). The live music sector is dominated by Live Nation Entertainment in the United States. The growth of the recorded music sector epitomised by the rise of music labels towards the end of the 20th century led to the recording sector being synonymized as the music industry (Wikipedia 2012). The recorded music sector grew largely due to the ability of the music labels to efficiently and cost-effectively fulfil the several stages in the process of moving music from artist to consumer. The major record labels are vertically integrated businesses. The stages in the recording industry are: Artists and Repertoire (A&R) – involves finding new acts; recording music – involves composition, production and licensing of copyright; manufacture of mechanical recordings e.g. CDs and vinyl; music distribution and logistics; marketing and promotion; and retail activities (Fleming & E. G. Hughes 2002). Some of the factors that made music labels profitable are: economies of scale which spreads overheads over a wider revenue base; diversity of artists which enables them to maintain a steady flow of releases; and breadth of music catalogue. However, in the 21st century, the emergence and growth of three technologies led to the disruption experienced in the broad music industry in general, but mostly in the recorded-music industry’s value chain. These three technologies are digitalization, data compression and the Internet (Dolata 2011). Digitalization of music made it easy to make copies
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Environmentally sustainable business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Environmentally sustainable business - Essay Example o grow; the concerns about social interactions between the industry and its workers, customers, partners etc (Sustainable Aviation Progress Report, 2009). Hence, applying Zadek’s â€Å"Four Stages of Issue Maturity†framework, all issues affecting an industry could be categorised into four different stages: namely, latent, emerging, consolidating and institutionalised (Zadek, 2004). A latent social issue is the one that exists but has not been widely known. An emerging issue is just catching the attention of the public but has not been fully debated or addressed. Consolidating stage reveals that the issue has been recognised but this is the time to test the efficacy of the solutions for it. And such a social issue becomes institutionalised when there are laws and regulations to guide the implementation of its solutions in the concerned industry (Zadek, 2004). Therefore, the environmental and social issues affecting the UK aviation industry are tabulated as follows: All the environmental and social issues affecting UK aviation industry outlined above can be summarized into three main headings: climate change issues; local environmental problems; and economic and social concerns. These issues are of utmost importance in the sense that they exert huge impacts on the environments and the economic situations in the United Kingdom. However, if all these issues receive prompt and efficient responses from the aviation industry players, it will reveal their level or extent of sustainability and social responsibility in the societies. 2. The Sustainable Aviation Progress Report 2009 reveals some strategic approaches taken by UK aviation players in addressing the issues hinted above. These approaches or responses can be best analysed using the Sustainable Value Framework model proposed by Hart and Milstein (2003). The model is made of four major quadrants as shown below: There are Today, Tomorrow, Internal and External quadrants. What this signifies is that Today
Friday, September 6, 2019
Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 Essay Example for Free
Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 Essay Descriptions of the main aspects of the regulatory environment which will protect the public from fraud within corporations are going to be provided in this paper. A special attention to the Sarbanes – Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) requirement; along with an evaluation of whether Sarbanes-Oxley Act will be effective in avoiding future frauds based on their implemented rules and regulations. The main aspects of the regulatory environment are based on the different laws and regulations the different governmental institutions such as federal, state, and local developed to create control over business practices. The regulatory environment creates a positive business financial operational environment as well as efficiency in management, integration of capital flow and domestic savings. For instance, the Securities Act of 1933 which provides regulations and laws to those offering corporate stocks to the public (University of Phoenix, 2014). Another regulatory environment is the Securities Act of 1934. The Securities Act of 1934 regulates and uses laws for trading stocks on markets that are consider as secondary markets like the New York Stock Exchange. The Securities Act of 1933 also provides the requirements for financial reporting and auditing for corporations (University of Phoenix, 2014). When looking at the history of the business environment regulatory compliance has been part of the process of conducting business. In addition, in most industries the different organizations are going to find different rules and regulations that are presented by the government, requiring companies to follow them. In the event, these are not followed the business will be confronted with penalties for not following the regulations that are clearly defined by the government. As time progresses, many regulations were created to help and prevent fraud against the public. Some of these regulations include the requirement of state filing, and laws to create fair lending to the public. An example of this is the Securities and Exchange Commission also known as the SEC. The SEC is a major aspect of the regulatory environment. â€Å"The mission of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation †(SEC, 2013, para. 1). In today’s environment, many are utilizing the market as a way to secure their future. The way to secure the future is by purchasing and paying for a home, pay for children college tuition, as well as any other expenses. As investors, it is important that the SEC does protect these individuals. According to the SEC (2013) â€Å"the common interest of all Americans in a growing economy that produces jobs, improves our standard of living, and protects the value of our savings means that all of the SECs actions must be taken with an eye toward promoting the capital formation that is necessary to sustain economic growth†(para. 4). The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (2013) states â€Å"the laws and rules that govern the securities industry in the United States derive from a simple and straightforward concept: all investors, whether large institutions or private individuals, should have access to certain basic facts about an investment prior to buying it, and so long as they hold it†(para. 6). To ensure this rule is followed by ever organization the SEC requires public companies to make the appropriate financial state available to the general public. Making this statement public, future investors as well as current investors can clearly see and determine whether or not the investor wants to purchase, sell or hold an investment. The SEC (2013) also states â€Å"the result of this information flow is a far more active, efficient, and transparent capital market that facilitates the capital formation so important to our nations economy†(para. 7). The SEC is proactively working with other major markets that participate in environmental securities to certify that this guideline is being followed. One of the SEC functions is to supervise the participants in the area of securities world. The securities would include the areas of securities exchanges, securities brokers and dealers, mutual funds as well as investment advisors. Another function the SEC provides is the promotion of disclosure of market related information and to maintain appropriate dealings. In addition, as a yearly procedure the SEC submits civil enforcement actions to those individuals and companies violating any of the securities laws. The infractions can include accounting fraud, trading misconduct, and providing deceptive as well as false information in regards the company’s procedures or securities. In doing this yearly event and disclosing market related data, it allows the SEC to protect companies and individuals against fraud. The SEC is an organization that works closely with other institutions to ensure rules and regulations are implemented and followed by the public. Some of the institutions that work with the SEC include Congress, self-regulatory organizations such as stock exchange, federal departments, the state securities regulators, and different private sector. The Securities and Exchange Commission is one of the main regulatory environments that assist to protect the public from fraud that a corporation can commit. Another regulatory environment that collaborates with the enforcement of the rules and regulations is the Sarbanes – Oxley Act (SOX). The Sarbanes – Oxley is a regulatory act â€Å"passed by Congress in 2002 in response to a series of massive corporate frauds (i.e., Enron, WorldCom)†(University of Phoenix, 2014, p. 3). When Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oley Act, it was â€Å"to provide greater protections to investors, creditors, and other stakeholders†(University of Phoenix, 2014, p. 3). SOX will provide greater protection by â€Å"reducing unethical corporate behavior†(University of Phoenix, 2014, p. 3). The SOX play a major function with the SEC because not only this also helps protect the public from fraud a corporation can commit, but because this can provide solutions to issues, the SE C is confronted with based on fraudulent accounting practices. A scandal and major concerns on how American Corporations are governed was the Enron and WorldCom scandal of a series of massive corporation frauds. As a result, the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002 were developed. The act was established to improve transparency, and to create new standards for accounting firms, for management at senior level, for executives, and for board members of public companies. According to Corporate Secretary (2014) a condition this act present is that companies are required â€Å"to have robust internal control systems that can be built into their compliance processes to promote integrity and accuracy within their business operations (para. 2). With the passing of the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act, Congress intent was to help reduce unethical behavior and to eliminate future corporation scandals. As a result of the creation of the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act the penalties for fraudulent financial activities are more severe (Corporate Secretary, 2014). The Sarbanes – Oxley Act has played an important role in the regulatory environment which will protect the public from fraud within corporations. Even when this act has played an important role it is clear the implementation of the act by legislation is not going to solve the problem of fraud. However; with the implementation of The Sarbanes – Oxley Act, of The Securities and Exchange Commission, The Securities Act of 1933, and The Securities Act of 1934 it has assisted with minimizing fraud as well as to create transparency when companies are following rules and regulations presented by the gover nment. References Corporate Secretary. (2014). Ten events that have changed corporate governance. Retrieved from University of Phoenix. (2014). Week 1 Study Guide: Introduction to Financial Reporting. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, ACC561 Accounting website. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2013). The Investors Advocate: How the SEC Protects Investors, Maintains Market Integrity, and Facilitates Capital Formation. Retrieved from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2013). Codification of Staff Accounting Bulletins. Retrieved from
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