Saturday, August 31, 2019
Book of night women
The â€Å"Book of Night Women†by Marlon James is an incredibly authentic-feeling novel that brings into play many deep issues for being a piece of fiction. I found this book to be a real page-turner that helped, among other things, to widen my understanding of the institution of slavery in the West Indies as well as the dynamics of the relationships between the slave and master. It is this often confusing relationship that I wish to further explore in this paper.In the story our main character, Lilith, ends up developing feelings for her master, an Irishman named Robert Quinn. The character Quinn is a white slave owner that eems to understand that the institution of slavery is an evil one, but does not know what to do about it, so he goes on with life the way it is. It is hard to hate him, but it's hard to like him as well. Being an Irishman, he is lower on the social hierarchy put in place by the slave owning community, and because of this he searches for pity and tries to r elate to Lilith, his slave.He compares their lives and social standings, which to me seems almost ridiculous, but to him is a completely legitimate understanding. He does treat Lilith with a certain respect that no other slave owners in the story ives to her. One example that stands out in my mind is the matter of their sexual relationship being more tender and loving than the usual â€Å"animalistic†approach that many of the other masters take out on the slave women. â€Å"No, fucking.No, rutting like animals, like the animal all white man think black woman be. But he say something when he coming and he hold on to her so weak, like she be the master and is all he can do to hold on. †However, Robert Quinn and Lilith are still clearly not equal to one another in the way that Quinn so desperatly tries to convey to her. I feel that the time period placed on this story plays a significant role in Robert Quinn's treatment of Lilith as a woman.At first glance, even if he i s a bit more kind to her, such as insisting that Lilith sit and eat with him while she stands in the corner just watching (something she is accostomed to), and telling her that he wishes to teach her how to ride a horse; he is still incredibly demanding of her. He still tells her that he â€Å"expects a hearty meal†when he returns home late, and that she should clean his home, etc. But keeping this in context, this is how the average woman ould have been treated at the time.Robert Quinn is treating her much more like they are in the average relationship based gender roles of the time, and much less like the usual master and slave relationship. This was a somewhat confusing aspect of the text, that unless put into the perspective time, could be completely missed. It is apparent though, that Robert Quinn wants Lilith to feel this connection between the two of them. He wants her to feel as if she is a free woman when she is with him, so much so that he almost forces this upon h er. As if demanding her to be free woman when in his company, which is redicoulous and hypacritical.In conclussion, Marlon James does a great Job at unfolding this relationship to his readers in a way that touches many aspects of the gender and class roles of the time. It is my opinion that no matter how much Lilith wanted to hate her master, Robert Quinn, she could not simply because of his often soft treatment of her; even if he was them. No matter how misguided the opinions of Robert Quinn may seem, he truely beleived what he infered about his low social standings and the resulting connections he made with Lilith.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Psychology of Terrorism Essay
Sexual harassment defined is any act that amounts to sexual advances that are unwelcome including asking for favors that are sexual related and also use of obscene and vulgar language. (O’Shea, 1998)Sexual harassment is classified as a crime in many countries and is therefore punishable by law. This paper takes an in-depth look at sexual harassments, how different victims are treated especially as far as age is concerned and the various laws regarding sexual harassment. 1. Define the two types of sexual harassment recognized by the courts. a) Generally there are two types of sexual harassment recognized by the courts. The first type of sexual harassment is one that affects one in his or her employment. (O’Shea, 1998) For instance if a supervisor asks one of his subordinates for a sexual favor with threats that if the subordinate is not cooperative then he or she will lose his or her job, then this amounts to sexual harassment. This kind of sexual harassment can only be done by a person who possesses authority over another and who is able to influence the employment of the victim in question. Such tangible employment actions include demotion, slashing of salaries, and unwarranted termination of employment. This mind of sexual harassment is commonly referred to as quid pro quo meaning â€Å"this for that†. This literally means that give me this and you will get that. b). The other kind of sexual harassment is known as hostile environment. This is normally the general conduct of employees in an organization as opposed to the conduct of one person like in the previous type of sexual harassment. Some of the behaviors that may contribute to a hostile environment in an organization include: i) Constant use of vulgar and obscene language. ii) Making comments in regard to the physical attributes of a person but in sexual related manner. iii) Giving favors to anyone involved in sexual activities in the organization. iv) Touching a person without their submission. v) Use of terms to indicate that there is a sexual relationship between the two while in fact it does not exist. vi) Use of indecent symbols signs and gestures. 2. Compare and contrast the rights of juveniles to that of adults. The rights provided of adults and children both as victims of sexual harassment differ slightly although the main aim for both is to protect victims of sexual harassment. (O’Shea, 1998) Usually the law is more strict one acts of sexual harassment done against children and the elderly putting into consideration their delicate nature. Sexual harassment of minors and small children is referred to as defilement and always carries a more severe punishment. Sexual harassment of an adult person is also classified crime and is in contravention with the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Any person be it a child an, adult or an elderly person if undergoes sexual harassment one is required to report to the relevant authorities using the right procedure which varies from institution to institution and form country to country. Sexual harassment is an act that is recognized as a crime in many countries of the world and thus a victim should not be embarrassed to report as this might make the behavior to get worse. Reference: O’Shea, T. (1998). Sexual Harassment: A Practical Guide to the Law, Your Rights, and Your Options for Taking Action. St Martin’s Griffins, London.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Apa Snippets and Style Writing Pointers to Help Tcl Nursing
The abstract should be one paragraph of no more than 120 words on a page by itself. Other features of an abstract include double-spacing, one inch margins without indentation, and Times Roman or Courier 12 font. APA Snippets and Style Writing Pointers to Help TCL Nursing Students Write Excellent Papers The aim of this article is to discuss the varieties of pain assessments, and to determine under which circumstances each assessment is most appropriate. Pain is rated differently by each patient, and is subjective to many factors in the patient’s life, including but not limited to culture and past experiences with pain. Since pain may have an effect on all aspects of a patient’s life, healthcare providers must strive to most properly identify the amount of pain in order to properly control it. Symptoms such as â€Å"crying, elected temperature, facial grimacing, groaning, moaning, guarding of the affected area, loss of sleep, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, rise in blood pressure, rise in respiratory rate, and tachycardia†are typical indicators that a patient is in pain; but how much pain? Healthcare providers, namely nurses, use a system of scales and work with the patient to rate their pain. Nurses must be aware of the different pain rating scales available in order to most accurately assess a patient’s pain level. A nurse must not only be able to determine which pain scale is most appropriate for the patient to identify and express his or her pain level, but also be able to carefully interpret and evaluate the scores. For example, the pain scale that is appropriate for a fully functioning adult will differ from one that is appropriate for a child and differ from one that is appropriate for a patient affected by dementia, etc. A variety of unidimensional scales quantify the intensity of the pain and are more simple; while multidimensional scales do so plus identify the pain quality, uration, and any relieving factors, and are more complex. If time permits, a nurse may choose to use a combination of pain assessments in order to be as thorough as possible. Nurses can implement the use of a variety of pain assessments reviewed in this article into their patient’s shift assessment. A nurse may choose to use a more complex, thorough multidimensional scale upon his or her patient’s admi ssion assessment, and then use a more simple, quick unidimensional scale upon his or her patient’s regularly scheduled shift assessments. Regardless of the type of scale being used, a nurse must always use â€Å"effective and sensitive communication with the patient to assist in expressions of pain. †Nurses must listen to their patient and accurately document their patient’s subjective descriptions of the pain. Also, nurses should allow their patients ample amount of time to respond to their questions, which should also be open-ended questions. After the doctor has reviewed the pain assessment and ordered meds, the â€Å"effects of analgesia should be monitored closely and recorded in nursing notes to maintain continuity of patient care. In conclusion, nurses should assess the patient’s abilities, then choose and tailor the pain assessment to the patient’s needs. Assessments are of immeasurable importance as they have a direct effect on the patient’s quality of life. The more extensive of knowledge a nurse has of the plethora of pain assessments to choose from, the more he or she ca n also select the most appropriate pain scale per the patient, which in turn will have the greatest impact on the patient’s progress. Resources In the text, cite resources used to prepare the paper. Cite references in parentheses at the end of the sentence, but before the period (Burckhalter, 2009). Give the author’s last name, a comma, and year of publication. When citing the same resource several times in the same paragraph, it is necessary to cite the author every time but the year only once (Burckhalter). Cite a page number only for quotes. For works by two authors, name both every time and use an ampersand (Merwin Sapp, 2008). For works with three to five authors, name all in the first citation (Bible, Simmons, Beasley, 2009). In later citations, cite only the first author’s name and the term et al. nd the year. For works of six or more authors, cite only the first author’s surname followed by et al. and year in the text, but identify all the authors in the reference list (Slyh et. al, 2007). When a group or organization is the author, cite the group’s name followed by the year (TCL Nursing Faculty, 2008). References Cite all resources used in the text. For the reference list, center the word â€Å"References†at the top of the last page. Double space the entries and indent all lines, except the first line of each entry, five to seven spaces. Alphabetize the list by the authors’ surnames. Include only the initials and last name of authors, not full names or professional initials. Examples of citations are in the sample reference list with this paper. Note the examples of punctuation and capitalization. Journal citations capitalize only the first word of the article title. All major words in the title of the journal are capitalized. The name of the journal and the journal volume are italicized, but the issue and page numbers are not italicized. For books, the reference citation begins with the author or authors, followed by the date of publication. Only the first word of a book title is capitalized. Book titles are italicized. The publisher’s location is cited by city and state, a colon, and the name of the publisher. Electronic citations use the same guidelines indicated above. Do not place a period at the end of an electronic address. Email sent from one to another should be cited as personal communication and is not included in the reference list. Information from classroom lectures are also personal communication (S. Beasley, April 14, 2009). Conclusion A paper should have a conclusion which restates the purpose of the paper, states the major points, and gives recommendations for practice and/or research. This paper has presented suggestions for helping TCL nursing students write excellent papers. A student may also consider using this document as a foundation for a paper. The margins are set correctly. References American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed. ). Washington, DC: Author. Author, C. K. (2007, September 30). Title of a journal article. Imprint, 21, 35-40. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Benton Foundation. (1998, July 7). Barriers to closing the gap. In Losing ground bit by bit: Low-income communities in the information age (chap. ). Retrieved from HYPERLINK â€Å"http://www. Benton. org/Library/Low-Income/two. html†http://www. Benton. org/Library/Low-Income/two. html Bible, C. M. , Simmons, A. W. , Beasley, S. G. (2009). Summer events at TCL. Journal of Nursing Education, 46(8), 89-96. Burckhalter, T. S. (February 2009). Beaufort’s best nursing students. Nurse Educator, 53 , 46-65. McPheron, S. (2009). Mapping families. Imprint, 23(4), 14-27. Merwin, D. M. Sapp, M. P. (2008). Where to find happiness. Journal of Divine Meditation, 38(5), 35-42. Simmons, A. (2007). Frustrations in nursing education. In M. Sapp (Ed. ), Success for nursing students (pp. 13-29). Beaufort, SC: Technical College of the Lowcountry. Slyh, K. P, Merwin, D. M. , Sapp, M. L. , Bible, C. W. , Slachta, P. A. , Simmons, A. W. (2007). What nursing students want. Journal of American Community Colleges, 26(3), 32-46. Nursing Faculty. Technical College of the Lowcountry nursing student handbook (2008). Beaufort, SC: Author. Thomas, C. L. (Ed. ). (2008). Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (21st ed. ). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. APA SNIPPETS AND STYLE WRITING PAGE * MERGEFORMAT 7 PAGE Apa Snippets and Style Writing Pointers to Help Tcl Nursing The abstract should be one paragraph of no more than 120 words on a page by itself. Other features of an abstract include double-spacing, one inch margins without indentation, and Times Roman or Courier 12 font. APA Snippets and Style Writing Pointers to Help TCL Nursing Students Write Excellent Papers The aim of this article is to discuss the varieties of pain assessments, and to determine under which circumstances each assessment is most appropriate. Pain is rated differently by each patient, and is subjective to many factors in the patient’s life, including but not limited to culture and past experiences with pain. Since pain may have an effect on all aspects of a patient’s life, healthcare providers must strive to most properly identify the amount of pain in order to properly control it. Symptoms such as â€Å"crying, elected temperature, facial grimacing, groaning, moaning, guarding of the affected area, loss of sleep, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, rise in blood pressure, rise in respiratory rate, and tachycardia†are typical indicators that a patient is in pain; but how much pain? Healthcare providers, namely nurses, use a system of scales and work with the patient to rate their pain. Nurses must be aware of the different pain rating scales available in order to most accurately assess a patient’s pain level. A nurse must not only be able to determine which pain scale is most appropriate for the patient to identify and express his or her pain level, but also be able to carefully interpret and evaluate the scores. For example, the pain scale that is appropriate for a fully functioning adult will differ from one that is appropriate for a child and differ from one that is appropriate for a patient affected by dementia, etc. A variety of unidimensional scales quantify the intensity of the pain and are more simple; while multidimensional scales do so plus identify the pain quality, uration, and any relieving factors, and are more complex. If time permits, a nurse may choose to use a combination of pain assessments in order to be as thorough as possible. Nurses can implement the use of a variety of pain assessments reviewed in this article into their patient’s shift assessment. A nurse may choose to use a more complex, thorough multidimensional scale upon his or her patient’s admi ssion assessment, and then use a more simple, quick unidimensional scale upon his or her patient’s regularly scheduled shift assessments. Regardless of the type of scale being used, a nurse must always use â€Å"effective and sensitive communication with the patient to assist in expressions of pain. †Nurses must listen to their patient and accurately document their patient’s subjective descriptions of the pain. Also, nurses should allow their patients ample amount of time to respond to their questions, which should also be open-ended questions. After the doctor has reviewed the pain assessment and ordered meds, the â€Å"effects of analgesia should be monitored closely and recorded in nursing notes to maintain continuity of patient care. In conclusion, nurses should assess the patient’s abilities, then choose and tailor the pain assessment to the patient’s needs. Assessments are of immeasurable importance as they have a direct effect on the patient’s quality of life. The more extensive of knowledge a nurse has of the plethora of pain assessments to choose from, the more he or she ca n also select the most appropriate pain scale per the patient, which in turn will have the greatest impact on the patient’s progress. Resources In the text, cite resources used to prepare the paper. Cite references in parentheses at the end of the sentence, but before the period (Burckhalter, 2009). Give the author’s last name, a comma, and year of publication. When citing the same resource several times in the same paragraph, it is necessary to cite the author every time but the year only once (Burckhalter). Cite a page number only for quotes. For works by two authors, name both every time and use an ampersand (Merwin Sapp, 2008). For works with three to five authors, name all in the first citation (Bible, Simmons, Beasley, 2009). In later citations, cite only the first author’s name and the term et al. nd the year. For works of six or more authors, cite only the first author’s surname followed by et al. and year in the text, but identify all the authors in the reference list (Slyh et. al, 2007). When a group or organization is the author, cite the group’s name followed by the year (TCL Nursing Faculty, 2008). References Cite all resources used in the text. For the reference list, center the word â€Å"References†at the top of the last page. Double space the entries and indent all lines, except the first line of each entry, five to seven spaces. Alphabetize the list by the authors’ surnames. Include only the initials and last name of authors, not full names or professional initials. Examples of citations are in the sample reference list with this paper. Note the examples of punctuation and capitalization. Journal citations capitalize only the first word of the article title. All major words in the title of the journal are capitalized. The name of the journal and the journal volume are italicized, but the issue and page numbers are not italicized. For books, the reference citation begins with the author or authors, followed by the date of publication. Only the first word of a book title is capitalized. Book titles are italicized. The publisher’s location is cited by city and state, a colon, and the name of the publisher. Electronic citations use the same guidelines indicated above. Do not place a period at the end of an electronic address. Email sent from one to another should be cited as personal communication and is not included in the reference list. Information from classroom lectures are also personal communication (S. Beasley, April 14, 2009). Conclusion A paper should have a conclusion which restates the purpose of the paper, states the major points, and gives recommendations for practice and/or research. This paper has presented suggestions for helping TCL nursing students write excellent papers. A student may also consider using this document as a foundation for a paper. The margins are set correctly. References American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed. ). Washington, DC: Author. Author, C. K. (2007, September 30). Title of a journal article. Imprint, 21, 35-40. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Benton Foundation. (1998, July 7). Barriers to closing the gap. In Losing ground bit by bit: Low-income communities in the information age (chap. ). Retrieved from HYPERLINK â€Å"http://www. Benton. org/Library/Low-Income/two. html†http://www. Benton. org/Library/Low-Income/two. html Bible, C. M. , Simmons, A. W. , Beasley, S. G. (2009). Summer events at TCL. Journal of Nursing Education, 46(8), 89-96. Burckhalter, T. S. (February 2009). Beaufort’s best nursing students. Nurse Educator, 53 , 46-65. McPheron, S. (2009). Mapping families. Imprint, 23(4), 14-27. Merwin, D. M. Sapp, M. P. (2008). Where to find happiness. Journal of Divine Meditation, 38(5), 35-42. Simmons, A. (2007). Frustrations in nursing education. In M. Sapp (Ed. ), Success for nursing students (pp. 13-29). Beaufort, SC: Technical College of the Lowcountry. Slyh, K. P, Merwin, D. M. , Sapp, M. L. , Bible, C. W. , Slachta, P. A. , Simmons, A. W. (2007). What nursing students want. Journal of American Community Colleges, 26(3), 32-46. Nursing Faculty. Technical College of the Lowcountry nursing student handbook (2008). Beaufort, SC: Author. Thomas, C. L. (Ed. ). (2008). Taber’s cyclopedic medical dictionary (21st ed. ). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. APA SNIPPETS AND STYLE WRITING PAGE * MERGEFORMAT 7 PAGE
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Volkswagen in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Volkswagen in China - Research Paper Example In order for MNCs to operate effectively and gain a competitive advantage it is important to assess the competitive position and the relationship between success and strategies. In a highly competitive market it is very important for companies to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. This can be achieved by either cost advantage or offering differentiated product. Hills work suggests that the differentiation strategies in the automobile sector in China can be beneficial because of many reasons like Chinese automobile is an expanding market and is the world’s second largest automobile industry, therefore has a lot of potential for business. Automobile industry in general has a lot of potential for differentiation strategies and gaining market through it which is evident by the lavish expenditure done on the promotion of these cars. (Chen, J., & Yao, S. 2006; Barrow, C. 2009) This paper will focus and discuss Volkswagen’s globalization strategies for internalization, how it formed strategic alliances globally and how it positioned itself for global competitiveness through its formulated strategies and built strategic ventures and alliances. VOLKSWAGEN INTERNATIONAL Volkswagen dates back to 1937, was founded by Ferdinand Porsche who started it as an automobile advisory company. Being unsuccessful in selling his proposed model he collaborated with Nazi Government to setup a factory and produce the cars of his proposed model. In the post World war period, VW made the most selling car of the 1950s the Beetles. It was then that VW gained recognition throughout the world. In 1960s it opened a plant in Mexico which produced cars on new lines and technology and with time strengthens its position all around the world. (Rana et al.2005) Volkswagen started off with its two joint ventures in China. Its first project was a 50% venture with local leading brand Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC). The other venture was another 50% joint venture with First Auto Works (FAW) in 1991. Initially the company struggled to gain market but later in 1990s its brand Santana ruled the market. These joint ventures together occupy almost half of the market shar e in Chinese market and have a 70% annual growth rate. China is Volkswagen’s second largest market in the world after German market. (Chen, J., & Yao, S. 2006; Barrow, C. 2009) Volkswagen since its start in its Shanghai joint venture in 1985 was considered to be one of the leading the carmaker in China and occupied an eminent position in the market. The emerging Chinese automotive market was a threat for Volkswagen dominant market and soon it faced severe competition with companies like Toyota, Suzuki and General Motors in Chinese markets. One of the head of VW China commented in 2005 that suddenly China has become the toughest market. (Thun, E. 2006) Not even foreign, local market players like Cherry and Geely also competed and tried to win the market by aggressive pricing strategies. In a research of 2002 Volkswagen occupied the largest market share in China, the details of top 5 market share holders are given below: Manufacturer Sales (units) Market Share Shanghai Volkswag en 301,095 23.8 FAW-Volkswagen 207,858 16.4 Shanghai GM 110,763 8.8 FAW Toyota 95,433 7.5 Dongfeng Citroen 85,088 6.7 The table shows Volkswagen in combination with both its ventures SVW and FAW-VW have been the leading automobile company in China with largest market share in 2002. (Chen, J., & Yao, S. 2006; Barrow, C. 2009) SVW initially competed with minimal investment in China, it was able to capture high market share in the early days but soon it faced competition by the modern foreign and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Macroeconomics coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Macroeconomics - Coursework Example (6 marks) c)First-order conditions: Uc(C , l) – l = 0 Ul(C , l) – lzFN(K , h – l) = 0 zF(K , h – l) – G – C = 0 When the first two conditions arcombined Hence, in equilibrium MRTl,C = MRSl,C = w Which states that the Pareto optimum is the point where the indifference curve is tangent to the PPF? d) What happens to consumption, wages and output as G increases? (6 marks) After the increase in g = G/Y, the model can be able to predict a decrease in (c, w), increase in (Y,N, r), spending of Private consumption is â€Å"crowded out†by government spending increase. Output increases but welfare loss as both c, l fall.T (Besada and, Miras (2002) Question 2) a) Solve for labor supply as a function of t. (6 marks) Since w = z, we obtain the system Ul(C , l) – z(1 – t)Uc(C , l) = 0 C + G – z(h – l) = 0 Totally differentiating these gives [Ucl – z(1 – t)Ucc]dC + [Ull – z(1 – t)Ucl]dl  œ zUcdt = 0 dC + zdl + dG = 0 We had 2 equations from the previous sections: C = w(1 – t)(h – l) (1) C = z(h – l) – G (2) By substitution, we will have G = zt(h – l) It indicates the total spending by the government that equals total tax revenue. b) Sketch the Laffer curve for values of t from 0 to 1. (4 marks) Laffer curve c) What is the equation for t that maximizes tax revenue G? Either graphically or by other means, find this value numerically. (6 marks) The equation is as below; G = tz[h – l(t)] Basing on the curve above, the tax revenue is zero if t = 0 and t = 1 Therefore the numerical value is 0.5 Government maximizes tax revenue at t = t*. REV = REV* d) If G=0.2, find (either graphically or otherwise) the two values of l and t that satisfy this requirement. (4 marks) If G=2 then l and t is as below Question 3) Calculate the % year-to-year growth rates in each series, and graph them using a time series plot and a scatter plot (4 mark s) Scatter plot Time series (b) Are they positively or negatively correlated? (3 marks) They are positively correlated c) Does one lead the other? (3 marks) Basing on the graphs it is evident that one leads to the other d) Do the same using quarterly GDP and quarterly M2. Is there any consistency between M2-IIP and M2-GDP? Explain. (10 marks) Scatter plot Time series Basing on the graphs, there is no consistency between the two. This is because there is no correlation and one doesn’t lead to the other and the range or interval between one value is to small. Question 4) (a) Draw the consumer’s budget constraint, and show the optimal choice of consumption and leisure. Is it possible that the consumer may only choose an income of X? (8 marks) Consumer budget constraint The equality above holds at point H where the curve of indifference is tangent to the budget constraint and it is not possible for the consumer to choose an income of X b) What happens when the threshold va lue X decreases, explaining in terms of income and substitution effects; consider the cases of (i) someone whose income was initially below X and (ii) someone whose income was initially above X. (12 marks) When the value of X threshold decrease the impact is for example marginal substitution rate diminishes over time due to there is a diminishing marginal utility principle (Becker, 1965). Question 5) (a) Show how an increase in such government spending
Monday, August 26, 2019
Social security Tax Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Social security Tax - Term Paper Example The ultimate beneficiary of tax collections are the masses who are given services like quality health services, public schooling, safety and security, cleaner neighborhood, better road and other infrastructural developments. Thus, it can be said that the government uses the people’s money and put it into use that can be translated into better facilities for them. One such taxation is that of social security taxation, the proceeds of which are pooled into to provide old-age benefits, pensions, child health and unemployed. Thus, the key beneficiaries of this kind of taxation are the most vulnerable classes of the society. This paper will shed light on the whole system of social security taxation, its pros and cons and its efficiency in fulfilling its intended purpose. In order to clarify the present day social security system it is imperative to study its evolution over time. The concept of social security was pioneered in 1935 when the American association for Social security led by Abraham Epstein coined the word social security. The actual payments were started in the January of 1937 as retirement funds. However these were only given to the primary working member of the family. It was only in 1939 when the survivors benefit for spouses and children were introduced. With time, more benefits were added to the scope of social security for example, benefits for the disabled were initiated in 1956 and it was followed by a major milestone in the year 1965, when the congress signed the social security law to add medical care to its portfolio of benefits. In order to ensure that people pay this kind of taxation for their own good in the long run, social security number was issued. These numbers became the basis of identification after some time and was used by the civil service commission and revenue boards by 1962. In the United States, the social
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Privatization of Prisons Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Privatization of Prisons - Assignment Example Prisons help in protecting the citizens against the prisoners and at the same time offer the convicts a chance to be rehabilitated as they get punished for their felonies. The advantages of privatizing prisons include reduced costs of running them since private entities put more emphasis on cost management. The prisons will also be run more efficiently while considering issues such as prisoners’ health, and rehabilitation. Prisons should offer better living conditions and facilities than what is being offered currently. This can be achieved if the prisons are privatized. Privatization will ensure that the required infrastructure is well laid and rehabilitation is done effectively. Some analysts do not agree on the idea that private prisons help in cutting costs. One of the major concerns that come with the privatization of prisons is a loss of transparency. In a situation where transparency is lost, it will be hard to establish whether the judgment made by the judiciary is followed. Some of the privatized prisons may employ dubious tactics such as releasing of prisoners to reduce their number. Monopolization of the industry which can come with limited organizations offering the services can lead to dependency. This may adversely affect the services being offered since money may become the priority. The prisons should ensure that there is a mutual benefit when the prisoners are kept in prison to ensure that they are rehabilitated as well as punished for the crimes they committed.
Enhlis CASE 3 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Enhlis CASE 3 - Term Paper Example Prezi is sometimes is called the zooming presentation, and it is used to create presentations that are considered more dynamic than power point. The presentation or the story is laid out in a visual canvas and the area can be changed to see more details or less detail. Power point is more flexible for some slide purposes and you can do a variety of things with it. Discussion There are certain differences between the two software, and the biggest difference is probably the non-linear nature of Prezi against the linear structure of power point. In many occasions power point remains the staple for most presentations and forms the basis for much of the visual content delivered in online presentations and trainings ( Bunzel, 2006). Let’s try a completely non-linear presenting or for teaching approach. Like having a very detailed Prezi and takes cues from your audience at which bits they want to look at: if the learners can access then you don’t have to use traditional presen tation in the beginning. Power point has linear navigation, uses slide stack layout, computer based, and has multiple printing options. Power point is more popular than Prezi which is non-linear, uses map layout, web based, and has limited printing options. Try and present your learners with Prezi to look around, you can also try and add your content. Learners will work through and take notes or use the content that they find most useful. Power point is good at creating lecture framework, visualizing content, organizing student note-taking, and explaining complex concepts and processes through charts, graphs and animations. The look of your presentation of power point software can be affected by difference in font sizes in different computers (Norwood, 2009). Prezi is a presentation that allows you to display your ideas in form of images, text, videos. Etc., by planning to them or zooming in on them. With the ability to zoom the images, Prezi also provide some tools to edit those ob jects including tools to rotate, resize, recolor, and crop them. With the high and faster technological growth in the world, the use of power point is become more unreliable compared to Prezi. In fact, (Norwood, 2009), says that, ‘power point presentation are so ubiquitous these days that the mere name of this software has become synonymous with ‘boring’ and ‘mundane’.’ Prezi being an online based becomes a more evolutional and convenient software. The use of Prezi for system upgrade is more effective and brings more impacts to the new jobs. The use of Prezi provides a wide range of presentation and is more productive nowadays than power point. Unlike power point prezi is not being affected by the difference in fonts of different computer systems. Therefore it’s more productive and easy to access. Power point is always installed in the system. That makes it difficult to share the work done with power point to other people. Being online b ased software, Prezi is an alternative for student’s lecturers, and researchers. The ease of sharing the worksheet and personal presentation via internet since it’s an online software. The use of Prezi can be highly recommended for upgrading since it is a best chance of improving income. The use of Prezi is convenient in advertising, mailing and any business related work. To improve corporate finance it’s advisable to use Prezi. Conclusion It is clearer that most people use power point than Prezi.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Week 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Week 8 - Essay Example One needsto take protein on daily basis(Clark 143). It is not advisable to take an ideal training diet, for instance, taking a limited number times food rich in proteins limited number of times and taking regularly pasta, bagels, and energy bars. 20 to 25 grams of protein during each meal before sleeping at night is ideal for building muscle since they provide a continuous supply of amino acid responsible for muscle building. Sport drinks are not the best way to replace sodium loses from sweat. They comprise of little sodium balancing the loss of sweat. Instead, endurance sport drinks, food sprinkled with salt and snacks containing salt, for instance, V8 juice, olive, and pickles offer a better choice. A target ranging from 250 to 500nmilligram of sodium perhour should be maintained. However, tablets such as Endurolytes merely supply 40 milligrams in one tablet(Clark 167).This fact enables a person exploit other ways of replacing sodium. Exercising with an empty stomach athletes burn extra fats.It is not always true that a person gets slimmer but reducing the amount of calories taken reduces whether they burn carbohydrates or fats during the exercise or they do not(Clark 180). An athlete eating pre-exercise refreshments will have an ability to exercise more, more calories burned and finally losing more body
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